The crime in Sheda a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law : a source in the Foreign Ministry

An official source at the Foreign Ministry in Sanaa on Tuesday condemned the American Saudi-led aggression coalition’s airstrikes on a car of a citizen Monday evening in Sheda district of Saada province, which killed 13 citizens, including children and women.

The source considered, in a statement, this crime a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and an evidence that Saudi Arabia is continuing to disregard all international values, norms and covenants.

The statement called on the United Nations, the Security Council, the Human Rights Council and human rights organizations to play their role and condemn this crime and put pressure on Saudi Arabia to stop its criminal behavior.

The source demanded that an independent committee be formed to investigate all the crimes committed by the aggression countries since March 26, 2015 and to bring the perpetrators to justice.


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