Local Authority in Al-Baydha Announces Restoring Security in Radman District

The local authority in Radman district of Al-Baydha governorate, announced Friday that the security has been restored to the district after confronting the mercenaries who carried out sabotage activities, led by Yasser Al-Awadi

The local authority in Radman Directorate stated in a statement that Al-Awadi carried out sabotage activities with mercenaries and takfiris from outside the governorate and that they were supported and given weapons by the countries of the aggression .

It extended sincere thanks and appreciation to the dignitaries and the people of the governorate, who had played a role in the speedy restoration of security.

It affirmed that the people in Al-Baydha governorate will not accept any betrayal, and will continue to fight alongside the rest of the Yemeni people in the battle of freedom and independence.

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