Entesaf Organization: 13,082 Women, Children Killed, Injured by US-Saudi Airstrikes on Yemen

Entesaf Organization for the Rights of Women and Children issued new statistics of aggression crimes against women and children from the beginning of the aggression on Yemen until December 31, 2020.

The organization stated that the total number of victims of direct aggression from women and children reached 13,082 children and women. 2392 women and 3796 children were killed and 2798 women and 4,096 children were injured.

The organization condemned and denounced the shameful international silence on violating humanitarian laws and charters, which include rules and principles aimed at providing protection mainly for children and women.

Entesaf Organization for the Rights of Women and Children held the Saudi-led aggression responsible for all crimes and violations against innocent civilians, especially women and children, for nearly 6 years.

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