Sayyed. Al-Houthi: The memorial of the martyr is an important milestone in providing determination, will, and readiness for sacrifice

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, explained that the martyr’s anniversary is one of the important milestones from which we provide more resolve, strength of will, and readiness to sacrifice. We also remember the holiness of the cause for which they sacrificed.

Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi said in a speech, today, Sunday, on the occasion of the martyr’s anniversary, “We see the urgent need for an occasion like the memory of the martyr because it presented victimhood, and steadfastness, fortitude, willpower, high willingness to sacrifice, which proved to pride, patronage and fortitude.

Sayyed pointed out that the joy of the martyrs while they are in the hospitality of Allah Almighty is a permanent and continuous state, so that we should not worry about them . He explained that martyrdom for the sake of Allah is a high rank and a great victory in everything that the word means, adding, “Congratulations to those who won the martyrdom for the sake of Allah Almighty.

He pointed out that one of the essential principles of faith is freedom from oppression and freedom from the control of tyrants, so we must be fully prepared for sacrifice .He explained that when we are in trouble with the oppressors, they will move to harm us, so we have to be on the level of High willingness to sacrifice.

Sayyed emphasized that the enemies seek to dissolve this nation , disperse it , divide it , scatter it, control it, subjugate it and enslave it completely. Therefore, if the Islamic nation does not move to confront it, it is vulnerable to lose everything .He stressed need to consolidate the martyrdom concept for the sake of Allah to face the tyrants of the era, America, Israel and their agents.


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