US’ MidEast Allies Don’t Get ‘Blank Check’ to Act against Washington Interests: WH

The US will not turn a ‘blind eye’ to Middle East allies’ actions taken against Washington’s interests and vision, the White House said in a recent strategic document.

The document, titled “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance,” aims to outline US President Joe Biden administration’s vision on the strategic landscape the US is facing and the ways to approach it.

On the Middle East, the document rejects the notion that “military force is the answer to the region’s challenges.”

“We will not give our partners in the Middle East a blank check to pursue policies at odds with American interests and values,” it declared as reported by US media on Sunday.

As an example of the approach, the White House cited its withdrawal of the support for the Saudi aggression on Yemen as well as Biden administration’s decision to reverse designation of Houthi Ansarullah group as a “terrorist group”.

On the Zionist entity, the document stated that the US will keep its “ironclad commitment to Israel’s security,” while working to promote its regional integration and the so-called two-state solution to the Palestinian cause.

Biden’s other regional priorities will include what his administration calls deterring “Iranian aggression and threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity,” according to the document.

It also will include the alleged fight of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, tackling humanitarian crises and defusing the “complex of armed conflicts that threaten regional stability.”

Source: Agencies

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