Bonyan Foundation announces the start of distributing Ramadan meal

Bonyan Development Foundation announced the start of distributing Ramadan meal as part of Feeding Charitable Program for the fourth year in a row.

The Executive Director of Bunyan ,Muhammad Al-Madani, stated that this year’s Ramadan meal will reach nearly a quarter of a million beneficiaries in 11 districts in the capital, Sana’a and the governorate, through an organized and studied distribution mechanism.

He pointed out that Ramadan meal project aims to deliver 600,000 meals to the most needy segments of society and is working to expand its activities during the coming days of the blessed month .

He added: There are 161 central and subsidiary distribution points belonging to the feed program, working to deliver Ramadan meal and bread bags directly to those in need in the directorates of the capital and Sanhan.

He indicated that 6 charitable bakeries, including automatic bakeries affiliated with the program, are working to deliver bread bags to those in need through 171 distribution points in 4 governorates throughout the year and will intensify their efforts during the holy month. As well as about 1075 volunteers, including war wounded, from the various targeted districts are working in the program.

He pointed out that the project benefits in its Ramadan meal from local agricultural products by purchasing 10% of the meal’s milk from the natural Yemeni product . The expansion this year also includes adding 2,800 poor families from the families of the martyrs and the wounded.

For his part, the head of the General Authority for Zakat, Shamsan Abu Nashtan, said that the General Authority for Zakat will contribute to the program with an amount of 100 million riyals and we are working to support and sponsor dozens of similar charitable projects.

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