In Light of the Negligence of the Mercenary Government, Oil Leaks in Shabwa Reach Wells and Homes

Citizens in the city of Azzan in Mayfa’a District – Shabwa governorate, which is under the control of the occupation, confirmed that the oil spill caused serious environmental damage, and reached the wells on which they depend to obtain drinking water and irrigate crops.

They pointed out that the leak was caused by the deterioration of the oil pipeline, Sector 4, West Ayad. Shabwa, which extends to the export tanks at Al-Nashima port located on the Arabian Sea.

They stressed that the environmental damage caused by the oil pollution that they have been suffering from for a long time due to continuous leaks as a result of the negligence of the mercenary government, has reached the wells and water sources in the region.

They pointed out that the leaks reached the depths of the soil and that the water wells for irrigating agricultural fields had become polluted and unsuitable for use, pointing out that black crude oil appeared in its waters.

The people demanded that the mercenary government intervene quickly and repair the pipeline, raise and treat the oil toxins that have reached their homes, provide quick solutions, and compensate them for the losses caused by the leaks in wells and water tanks.

It is noteworthy that similar leaks have become a terrifying nightmare for the people of the areas of Ghail Al-Saidi and Gharir valley in Al-Rawda District in Shabwa Governorate, where their suffering is increasing as a result of the increasing and widening of the leaks of the dilapidated pipe.

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