The UAE occupation continues its settlement activities in Mayun island

The forces of the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition continue their settlement activities on the island of Mayun, despite the warnings of Sana’a. The UAE efforts seek to tighten the control over the island and use it as a base to control the Bab al-Mandab strait and international shipping lines in the region. However, Sana’a had previously confirmed that it would not allow this to happen, assuring it has enough power to prevent this from happening.

Media sources affiliated with the mercenaries revealed this week that the UAE occupation continues its activities to control the Yemeni island that is overlooking Bab al-Mandab, through the development of alleged “residential” construction, and the imposition of “sheikhs” loyal to the occupation to help change the identity of the island and deceive the population.

The mercenary media said: The Emirati occupation is moving behind a prominent figure named “Sheikh Saleh Khazour,” where the latter makes agreements with the residents that include providing them with support to build houses in exchange for their commitment not to own these houses and hand them over to the UAE forces in the event they leave the island.

One of the mercenary news websites published a document showing a model of the commitment that the Emirati occupation forces the residents to sign with the so-called “Saleh Khazour” and another person called “Sami Fshaa”.

This deal represents a clear attempt to cover up the settlement activity practiced by the UAE on the island, as it seeks to expand its presence and influence behind local mercenaries and under the headings of “facilitation and aid”, and it is not the first time that the Emirati occupation uses this cover, as it has previously happened on the island of Socotra.

The mercenary media said: The so-called “Saleh Khazour” is practicing this activity with Emirati support and funding through the governor of Aden affiliated with the aggression, the mercenary Ahmed Lamlas.

The mercenaries’ media quoted “military sources” as saying that the UAE uses influential local agents to establish military control over the island, stressing that there are several bases and camps under construction.

Sana’a had recently shed light on the settlement activity of the Emirati occupation on the island, and confirmed that the UAE is changing the island’s identity and building a military base and other facilities there, in the context of efforts to control it completely.

The efforts of the forces of aggression to control Mayun Island began years ago, and the American Associated Press had published satellite images that showed the Emirati occupation establishing an air base that includes a long runway for aircraft.

The agency had indicated that this activity is mainly related to efforts to control shipping traffic and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, noting that the United States is benefiting from this matter.

A member of the Political Bureau of Ansar Allah, Ali al-Qahoum, confirmed earlier that Sana’a closely monitors all the movements and activities of the forces of aggression on Mayun Island, and that the Yemeni people possess all the strengths necessary to confront these activities and end the occupation of the island.

Al-Qahoum pointed out that the efforts to control the island of Mayun come within the framework of the Western powers’ attempt to make global changes and establish hegemony on Bab al-Mandab to use it as an area of ​​influence and to control shipping lines.

During the past short period, Sana’a sent important messages to the forces of aggression and their sponsors in this regard, where the head of the Military Intelligence Authority, Major General Abdullah Al-Hakim, warned of a possible naval confrontation if the coalition of aggression continued its hostile behavior towards the Yemeni people, stressing that this battle would be one of the fiercest battles.

Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs Lieutenant-General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan confirmed that Sana’a is continuing to impose full sovereignty over Yemeni territorial waters and the occupied islands, as well as protecting international shipping lines, warning that “options are open in this regard.”

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