The Red Sea Crisis: Yemen’s Military Actions and the American Dilemma

Americans are facing a clear predicament due to the active and influential movement of Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea. The forces have imposed a stifling siege on Israel by preventing the passage of ships through the Red Sea if they are headed towards Zionist ports.

Washington is having a significant difficulty in forming an international coalition to protect Israeli ships in the Red Sea. Despite its announcement a few days ago about the formation of a coalition consisting of 10 countries, several of these included countries have declared their unwillingness to participate. Some countries have stated that their names were included without their knowledge. Meanwhile, Arab countries with close ties to Washington, such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, were left out of this coalition.

The question remains: What are the expected scenarios after the announcement of this coalition? Will the Red Sea turn into a new war zone, or will Washington swallow its disappointment and prefer to withdraw and avoid confrontation against Yemen?

Military expert and analyst, General Abdullah Al-Jafari, believes that “when the United States wants to carry out any aggressive military action to occupy any region or country in the world, it cannot confront on its own. Instead, it seeks clients, traitors, and mercenaries first from within the country itself, who work in formulating international intelligence lines through embassies.”

General Al-Jafari states in an exclusive statement to the “Al-Masirah” newspaper that “the United States always seeks to form international alliances; because it realizes that it will be defeated before any country if it wants confrontation. This is what happened to it in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia, where it failed miserably.”

He points out that “the joining of some Western countries to the American coalition to protect Israeli ships in the Red Sea, including Britain, France, Italy, and others, confirms that America is seeking to break the siege on Israel. Yemen has imposed a new equation, which is the siege in exchange for the siege.” He notes that “ships cannot be allowed to cross the Red Sea and head to Zionist ports unless the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip stops.” He points out that “Washington currently does not prefer to stop the aggression on Gaza; therefore, it resorted to forming this coalition to try to dissuade Yemen from supporting their brothers in Gaza.”

An Upcoming Battle:

All indicators confirm that the American behavior in the Red Sea is the main threat to international navigation, not the qualitative military operations of the Yemeni armed forces. It seems that Washington wants to mobilize the world’s countries and market false justifications to direct a new blow to Yemen, but it faces many difficulties in convincing the world’s countries of this.

The governor of Aden province, Tariq Mustafa Salam, confirms that “the American coalition in the Red Sea enhances the strength of the Yemeni military position and will double its operations; because America has revealed its ugly face following the escalation of painful Yemeni operations against the Zionist entity.”

Salam believes in his talk to the “Al-Masirah” newspaper that “the American mobilization in the Red Sea may lead to the outbreak of massive demonstrations in Western countries against it; because the peoples of those countries fear the stoppage of fuel and food transport movements in the Red Sea if the confrontation between America and Yemen ignites.”

He affirms that “the Yemeni people were not affected or afraid of this coalition, and they stand behind the leader, Sayyid Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi – may Allah protect him – who said in his last speech: The Yemenis wish for a direct confrontation with America; because it is the field of truth that will distinguish truth and falsehood, and will make America a laughing stock in front of the world for its inability to protect itself and defend its clients in the region, which is undoubtedly awaiting them,” as Governor Salam says.

Salam adds: “The Yemenis, with their different orientations and affiliations, stand today in one line behind their blessed revolutionary and political leadership and await the directives of the leader, Sayyid Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, with all patience and determination. By the grace of Allah, the American Zionist enemy will find what it deserves towards what it commits of brutal and heinous crimes against our children and brothers in Gaza,” confirming that the American mobilization of the international coalition proved that the Israeli enemy is living in a crisis situation, and a state of misery has befallen it as a result of the major blows it receives as a result of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle and the Red Sea operations carried out by our heroic Yemeni armed forces.

He points out that “the American weakness and inability appeared through this weak announcement, which showed the great weakness that befell the American enemy, and most Arab countries refused to participate in it due to their lack of trust in this American coalition and its orientations. They know that if they get involved with the Americans, all their economic and strategic facilities will become a target.”

A Dead and Failed Alliance:

Washington repeats its failed alliances without benefiting from its bitter historical experiences, such as its failed alliance in the aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq. Because many countries in the world understand the real goals of America from the militarization of the Red Sea, the rush with it was not encouraging for the “Biden” administration, which makes many confirm that this alliance was born “dead”.

Despite the announcement of this alliance, the ambiguity still surrounds the American position and its goal behind the announcement of the alliance, and whether it will go ahead towards the war with Yemen or is it just a maneuver?

The American newspaper “Politico” indicates that this alliance will not exceed its role in conducting patrols in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and monitoring ships during their crossing, and America will not dare to carry out offensive operations; because it knows the cost of that, and the American administration realizes that waging war against Yemen will pose a danger to the world and will hit the global economy.

International investigations have confirmed a few things about Washington’s strategies. Firstly, Washington consistently attempts to mask its military failures with political maneuvers. This has led to the belief that the announcement of the naval military alliance was a forced move. The aim was to salvage its dwindling prestige, particularly in the Red Sea region where it has faced challenges from Yemeni armed forces.

At the same time, Washington recognizes the need for a political strategy. This is to avoid potential scandal following the announcement of the naval alliance. It is aware of Sanaa’s clear demands, which have been repeatedly voiced. These demands include halting aggression and delivering aid to Gaza.

In response, Washington is currently advocating for an extended truce, as it has described. The goal is to avoid a direct confrontation with Yemen’s armed forces. Later, it may claim that its naval alliance was the factor that restored normalcy in the Red Sea.

This move is also seen as a way for Washington to save face in front of its regional allies. These are the allies it purports to protect, often in exchange for substantial financial support and shaky alliances.

Parallel to this American policy, both Egypt and Qatar intensify their movements to search for a new truce between the Zionist entity and the Islamic Palestinian resistance, where the head of the political office of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, and also the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziad al-Nakhala, are in Cairo to discuss the subject of this truce.

In addition to that, a number of countries intensify their contacts with the head of the national delegation, Mohammed Abdul Salam, in Muscat as an attempt to dissuade the Yemenis from their military operations in the Red Sea, but these efforts have not been crowned with success, as the whole world heard the firm and clear position of Yemen through the speech of the leader, Sayyid Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi – may Allah protect him – which was clear, transparent, and sincere and in its contents that the Yemeni military operations will not stop as long as the Israeli aggression and siege continue on the Gaza Strip.

Perhaps the most prominent thing in the speech of the leader is that he delivered a clear message to the Americans and warned them of any adventure or aggression on Yemen; because that will undoubtedly lead to the targeting of American ships, barges, and American interests in the region, and at the same time, Sanaa’s position related to the prohibition of the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab on Israeli ships and ships dealing with “Israel” remained constant and is represented by stopping the aggression and lifting the siege on Gaza as a necessary condition that is not retreated from.

But what is clear so far is that the American position is still revolving in the box of evasion and deception, as at the time when Washington raises the talk about a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners, whether directly or through the regional regimes allied with it, it seeks at the same time to achieve its goals and the goals of the Zionist entity that they failed to achieve in the field, and this policy was expressed by Secretary of State Blinken by saying that his country is still looking for a solution to outstanding issues regarding the Security Council’s decision to cease fire in Gaza, while Biden said that he does not believe that the exchange of prisoners is near.

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