Mounting Crises Threaten Netanyahu’s Fascist Government

The Zionist entity is experiencing escalating crises that threaten the collapse of the fascist Netanyahu government and the disintegration of the war council. Meanwhile, human losses among the officers and soldiers of the invading army brigades, who are falling by the dozens daily under the fire of Palestinian resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip, are increasing. This is not to mention the enormous economic losses, which are nearing $60 billion according to Hebrew media, without the occupation state achieving any of its declared goals.

Israeli media highlighted the increasing disputes in the war cabinet in the occupation entity since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7th. The Israeli Channel “Makan” mentioned that the cabinet cracked after the verbal exchange in the last session, indicating that disputes are surfacing.

On the other hand, the Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” clarified yesterday that the Israeli army failed to achieve the goals of the war on Gaza despite entering its fourth month, amidst the largest economic cost, reaching 217 billion shekels ($59.35 billion). The newspaper stated that the ground operation failed to achieve the goals of the war.

Hebrew media quoted a member of the Knesset from the Likud party, Dan Iluz, saying that “Gantz is looking for every excuse to dismantle the emergency government,” at a time when ground battles continue in the Gaza Strip.

For his part, the extremist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, reiterated his rejection of the appointment of former Security Minister Shaul Mofaz as head of the investigation committee into the events of the October 7 attack, according to the site.

Ben Gvir also criticized the media’s treatment of right-wing ministers, saying: “Whenever we ask questions, they claim that we are attacking the leaders of the Israeli army.”

On December 19, Israeli media confirmed that a sharp dispute occurred between Ben Gvir and the Chief of Staff, Hertzi Halevi, which reached the point of shouting between them, during a cabinet session, over the dismissal of soldiers who performed Talmudic rituals in a mosque in Jenin in the West Bank.

Before that, Hebrew media spoke of an escalating dispute in the war council over the continuation of the aggression on Gaza and over negotiations with the Palestinian resistance to release Zionist prisoners.

In this regard, the Prime Minister of the terrorist occupation government, Benjamin Netanyahu, said yesterday that his government is suffering from what he called the “leakage epidemic, as it cannot continue in this way,” and directed a security official to promote the “lie detection” bill inside the Knesset.

This came in his speech, during the weekly meeting of his government, according to what the Israeli Channel (12) reported.

Netanyahu said: “We have an epidemic of leaks, and I am not prepared to continue in this way, it is an unbearable phenomenon, and I do not know any country in the world where this happens.”

Netanyahu, according to the same source, directed the head of the National Security Council “Tsahi Hanegbi” to promote the “lie detection” bill, which obliges all ministers who attend the meetings of the mini-cabinet (cabinet) and security discussions, to undergo a periodic “lie detection” test.

Last week, a leak of the cabinet session took place, which witnessed an attack by 4 ministers in Netanyahu’s government on the Chief of Staff “Hertzi Halevi”, after announcing his intention to form an investigation team to find out the failures that led to the October 7 attack.

Last November, the official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said: “Under the bill that the Prime Minister’s Office is currently drafting, all participants in government sessions will be summoned to undergo a lie detection test, in an attempt to prevent leaks in security issues discussed in the sessions.”

It added: “Netanyahu ordered that the General Security Service (Shabak) be responsible for conducting lie detection tests for ministers, but the Shabak announced its reservation about doing so.”

The Broadcasting Corporation pointed out that “it seems from the text of the proposal that all participants in government sessions, including the government’s legal advisor and the heads of security agencies and officials, will be asked to pass lie detection tests.”

It added: “But informed sources say it is expected that Netanyahu himself will be exempted from undergoing this test, due to the heart rhythm regulation device implanted in his chest.”

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