The armed forces target 3 ships in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden and confirm their readiness to attack parties supporting the Israeli enemy


Published on July 9, 2024
Ansarullah website – Sana’a

The Yemeni Armed Forces announced today, Tuesday, that they were able to target three American ships linked to the Israeli enemy in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The armed forces confirmed in a statement that, within the framework of victory over the oppression of the Palestinian people and their mujahideen, responding to the Zionist enemy’s massacres against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and responding to the American-British aggression against our country, the naval forces, the unmanned air force, and the missile force carried out several military operations, the first targeting the ship ( Maersk Sentosa) of the United States in the Arabian Sea through the naval forces and the missile force in a joint operation with a number of ballistic and winged missiles,

confirming that the hit was direct and accurate, thanks to God.

The Armed Forces added that the second military operation targeted the ship (Marthopolis) in the Arabian Sea with a number of drones. The operation was carried out by the Air Force and the hit was accurate, explaining that the targeting operation came as the company that owned it violated the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The Armed Forces explained that the third military operation targeted the Israeli ship (MSC Patnaree) in the Gulf of Aden with a number of drones, explaining that the operation was carried out by Unmanned Air Force and achieved its goal successfully.

The Yemeni Armed Forces reiterated that their military operations will not stop unless the aggression is stopped and the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

Ready to attack all sides

The armed forces announced in their statement that, with the help of God Almighty, they are fully prepared to carry out the required tasks against all parties that support the Israeli enemy and that target the Yemeni people and provide military facilities to the American enemy and the Israeli enemy in targeting the Yemeni people.

Yesterday, July 8, the Yemeni Armed Forces announced that they were able, in conjunction with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, to ​​target a vital target in Umm al-Rashrash, south of occupied Palestine, with a number of drones.

On July 1, four ships were targeted. The first was the Israeli ship MSC Unific, which was targeted with winged missiles in the Arabian Sea.

The second was the American oil ship Delonix, which was targeted in the Red Sea with ballistic and winged missiles.

The third was the British landing ship Anvil Point, which was targeted in the Indian Ocean with a number of missiles.

The fourth winged ship (Lucky Sailor) was targeted in the Mediterranean Sea with a number of winged missiles.

On July 2, the Yemeni Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, carried out a joint military operation that targeted a vital target in Haifa with a number of winged missiles.


#The_Zionist_enemy #The_American_British_aggression_against_Yemen

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