Sayyid Al-Houthi: Military Response to Israeli Enemy’s Heinous and Blatant Crimes is Imperative

On Thursday, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi delivered a speech addressing the recent developments in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle. He highlighted that the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Zaid bin Ali (peace be upon him) coincided this year with the ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people and the assassination of the great mujahid, the dear brother Ismail Haniyeh, a martyr of the Ummah, Al-Aqsa, and Palestine. The anniversary also coincided with the targeting of the senior Hezbollah leader, Sayyid Fouad Ali Shukr.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi emphasized the clear stance of the Axis of Al-Quds, jihad, and resistance, stating that a military response to the grave and significant Israeli escalations is imperative. He noted, “The stance is clear, there must be a military response to those heinous and blatant crimes.” He pointed out that the Islamic Republic and the rest of the Axis have taken clear and announced positions and are working towards a response.

In the same context, Sayyid al-Houthi praised the leader Shukr as a knight of the Islamic Ummah, with a significant record of jihad spanning decades against the Israeli enemy. He extended his heartfelt condolences to the family of the esteemed martyr, Sayyid Fouad, Hezbollah, its Secretary-General, and the Lebanese people.

Regarding the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, Sayyid al-Houthi stated, “Congratulations to the martyr Ismail Haniyeh for his blessed end and great victory after a significant record of jihad. The martyr Haniyeh had a substantial and distinguished contribution to the sacred just cause, the liberation of Palestine, and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.” He offered condolences to Haniyeh’s family, who had sacrificed many martyrs, and to Hamas, all resistance factions, and the Palestinian people.

Sayyid al-Houthi noted that the assassination of the Islamic leader Ismail Haniyeh occurred in the context of a clear escalation following Netanyahu’s return from America. He clarified that Haniyeh was targeted while he was a guest in Iran, attending the inauguration ceremony of the Iranian President alongside delegations from more than 80 countries. He condemned the assassination as a blatant violation of all norms and sanctities, calling it an arrogant and disrespectful crime.

He highlighted that the assassination of Haniyeh exposed the Europeans and some Arab countries with their positions that did not even reach the level of condemnation, despite many countries condemning it.

Sayyid al-Houthi also extended condolences to the families of the dear martyrs and the resistance in Iraq, who were killed in an American attack.

He stressed that no matter the level of Israeli and American crimes, they will not weaken the mujahideen and the struggling peoples. He recalled that the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Rantisi did not achieve the enemy’s goal of weakening the mujahideen and extinguishing the flame of jihad. Instead, the martyrdom of leaders had a significant impact in motivating others to continue the path, and the jihadist movement grew stronger, achieving more success.

He explained that Hezbollah did not weaken from the targeting of its leaders; instead, determination increased, and more achievements were realized. He affirmed that the Israeli enemy, by increasing its crimes, brings itself closer to inevitable demise as promised by Allah, as the enemy’s crimes are met with the growth of jihad fronts and improvement in performance.

He confirmed that the aggression against the southern suburb of Beirut and the targeting of leader Fouad Shukr were clear acts of aggression and a significant escalation. He linked the escalation and the continuation of crimes to Netanyahu’s visit to America and American movements in the Gulf and the Mediterranean.

America is a Partner and a Deceiver

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that the American is a clear partner and at the same time a deceiver. He talks about the necessity of preventing the expansion of the war, then provides support and participates with the Israeli enemy to expand it. He explained that the American allows the enemy to do whatever it wants, then says it does not want escalation and calls for restraint, warning and threatening under this context. He confirmed that the American’s role with the Israeli escalation is to warn against any response, while the European’s role is to try to contain the positions or keep them within a weak framework.

Shameful Arab Position

Regarding the position of the Arab regimes on the martyrdom of the mujahid leader Ismail Haniyeh and leader Fouad Shukr, Sayyid al-Houthi pointed out that no clear condemnation of these heinous crimes was heard or known from the Arab League. Instead, some Arab regimes issued urgent statements strongly condemning the scratching of Trump’s ear, without condemning the crime against leaders of this Ummah.

He explained that the media of some Arab countries appeared gloating and celebrating the assassination of leaders of the Ummah, presenting it as a victory for the Israelis.

Jihad for the Sake of Allah is the Solution

He clarified that the correct option is the Quranic Islamic project and jihad for the sake of Allah Almighty, to confront the criminal Jewish Israeli enemy. He pointed out that what the zionists have been doing for ten months in their aggression against Gaza testifies to the brutal nature of the Israeli enemy. Despite this brutality, there is no resistance or objection from the infidel West towards what the Israeli enemy is doing to the Arabs and Muslims.

Sayyid al-Houthi said, “After all that the Jews do, the infidel West rushes to prevent any reaction and legitimate self-defense of lives, honor, property, and rights.” He pointed out that there are significant efforts to contain the reaction to the targeting of the martyr Ismail Haniyeh and the great leader Fouad Shukr to protect Israeli criminals. He added that the Europeans are trying to exert political and diplomatic pressure on Iran to ensure that its response is “symbolic” and at the level desired by the Israelis.

He confirmed that the solution for the Ummah is jihad for the sake of Allah, which is the only legitimate option that works and benefits. He pointed out that Allah intervenes with His support, victory, and thwarting the enemies’ schemes and strength, but with a stance, movement, jihad, and practical response.

He pointed out that international institutions always call for restraint after the Israeli enemy commits its actions. If they take a certain stance, they equate the victim with the executioner. Therefore, international institutions should not be relied upon as there will be no result, deterrent, or stopping of the crimes.

Sayyid al-Houthi emphasized that if the Ummah’s stance towards a certain crime is weak and limited, this encourages the Israeli enemy to commit more crimes. He confirmed that it is time to act to repel the enemies of Allah, their evil, crimes, tyranny, and corruption. He pointed out that experience and reality show that jihad elevates the Ummah in its construction and capabilities to face challenges.

He added, “We see those who have other options of submission to the enemies, heading to spend billions of dollars in ways that serve the enemies and deplete the Ummah.” He confirmed that jihad for the sake of Allah in the right stance, just cause, and clear field, and sacrifices for the sake of Allah are fruitful and have positive results. History testifies to this, as we have witnessed the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Zaid bin Ali (peace be upon him) and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and how the jihadist approach continued from generation to generation under Allah’s care.

Sayyid al-Houthi reiterated that the future of the Ummah depends on jihad for the sake of Allah. The struggle with the Israeli enemy is inevitable, as it is a criminal aggressive entity targeting the Ummah. The Israeli enemy will not cease its evil and malice against the Ummah, and the struggle with it is inevitable. At the same time, its demise is inevitable. He confirmed that it is a great honor and privilege for a person to succeed in moving for the sake of Allah in this exceptional and decisive stage for the future of the Ummah.

Necessity of Popular Mobilization

Sayyid al-Houthi said, “The popular presence should be widespread and commensurate with these important, serious, and significant developments in various activities, including marches and demonstrations. There should be more interest and interaction in mobilization activities so that the enemies see that their crimes increase the Ummah’s enthusiasm, steadfastness, and seriousness.”

He added, “It is important to have a wide presence in Friday demonstrations and participation in activities supporting Palestinian prisoners on Saturday, in response to the call of the great martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh.”

Sayyid al-Houthi confirmed that the popular presence and interaction on Friday should be very wide and clear in supporting the upcoming practical steps and the significant response from the Axis. The popular presence on Friday should be clear in its supportive stance for the Palestinian and Lebanese people. He added, “Regarding the activities to be determined, In Sha Allah, on Saturday in response to the call of the dear martyr Ismail Haniyeh.”

He confirmed that the changes will bring what will sadden the Israeli enemy, the gloaters, and disgrace them all.

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