Ansar Allah Condemns Gaza Massacre, Predicts Israeli Entity’s Demise

The Political Office of Ansar Allah today condemned the latest Israeli massacre against worshippers in Al-Tabin School in the al-Daraj neighborhood of central Gaza. The massacre coincided with a joint statement by Qatar, Egypt, and the United States, which grants more time for the perpetrators to shed Palestinian blood.

In a statement, the office said, “The Zionist entity is intensifying its bloody massacres, one after another, in an unprecedented violation of Palestinian blood. Meanwhile, Arab and Islamic governments remain silent and impotent, as if they neither see, hear, nor speak.”

The statement continued, “This reckless escalation, which has reached its peak, coincided with the Qatari-Egyptian-American statement, which grants the murderers more time to continue their slaughter of Palestinians.”

The Political Office of Ansar Allah believes that the Qatari-Egyptian-American statement provides the Israeli entity’s leaders with political cover for further belligerence across the region.

It added, “How long will the Arab and Islamic regimes wait, and what are they waiting for before they fulfill their human, Islamic, national, and regional duties?”

Ansar Allah extended heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the grieving families and relatives of the unjustly slain victims, affirming that “these pure and precious bloods will not be wasted in vain but will, In Sha Allah, lay the foundation for the demise of the entity and the triumph of the cause, and the restoration of rights.”

The group reaffirmed its “commitment and loyalty to Palestine, its people, and its resistance, with Yemen continuing its solidarity and popular support and escalating military action.”

The massacre occurred early Saturday morning when Israeli forces targeted the Al-Tabin School in the al-Daraj neighborhood of central Gaza with three missiles, killing 100 Palestinians and injuring dozens, including 16 children and women, according to initial reports.

The Palestinian Civil Defense stated that the Israeli forces targeted the school’s two floors, which housed displaced women and children, as well as the prayer hall, resulting in the death of 90% of the displaced people inside.

The attack took place during the dawn prayer, leading to a massacre that left a significant number of martyrs and wounded, with flames engulfing the bodies of the victims.

The Civil Defense teams estimate that the “Tabin” massacre is the third largest catastrophe in terms of casualties after the Baptist Hospital massacre and the Khan Younis Massacre.

The massacre comes just hours after Qatar, Egypt, and the United States issued a joint statement on a ceasefire in Gaza, in which they claimed that it is time to reach an agreement to end the war and secure the release of prisoners and detainees.

The statement added that no more time should be wasted, and there should be no excuses for further delays, claiming that they, as mediators, are prepared to present a final proposal to resolve the implementation issues if necessary.

Egyptian Presidential Spokesman Ahmed Fahmy said that both sides were invited to resume urgent discussions on Wednesday, August 14, or Thursday, August 15, in Doha or Cairo to close all remaining gaps and begin implementing the agreement without further delays.

The announcement coincides with a report by the American news network CNN that the United States plans to support its ally, the Israeli entity, with $3.5 billion for purchasing weapons and military equipment.

The network cited U.S. officials as saying that the United States is set to provide Israel with $3.5 billion to spend on acquiring American-made weapons and military equipment, noting that Washington will now disburse the funds after being allocated by Congress months ago.

A well-informed source stated that the U.S. State Department notified lawmakers on Thursday evening that the Biden administration intends to release billions of dollars in foreign military financing to “Israel.”

The source added that the funds come from the $14.1 billion additional funding bill for “Israel,” which Congress approved last April.

This funding will enable the Israeli entity to purchase advanced weapon systems and other equipment from the United States through the foreign military financing program, as well as acquire systems that are currently being developed, which may not be delivered for several years.

The additional funding also includes billions of dollars worth of equipment that the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) can withdraw from its own stockpiles to send directly to the Israeli entity on a much faster timeline.

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