The September 21 Revolution: Elevating Yemen from the Margins to a Global Player

The September 21 2014 Revolution stands as a turning point in Yemen’s modern history, igniting a transformation that shifted the nation from a state of weakness and foreign subservience to becoming a prominent regional and international player. This revolution freed Yemen from overt external guardianship that had long stifled its progress. At that time, the Americans exploited local figures and political parties, using them as tools to impose hostile policies that led the country toward complete collapse across all sectors. However, with remarkable resilience, the Yemeni people confronted these internal and external conspiracies. Their courage, patience, awareness, and unyielding faith in Allah drove them to make enormous sacrifices. They neither surrendered nor bowed to their enemies, culminating in a great victory in September 2024.

Yemen’s free citizens, alongside the Yemeni Army and the Popular Committees that emerged with the revolution, set out to build the country’s military capabilities and establish a deterrent force. With Allah’s blessing, Yemen acquired advanced missile technology, rapidly developing its missile forces, from short-range to long-range, ballistic, and cruise missiles—all with pinpoint precision. In addition, the drone unit manufactured a range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with varying capabilities, and the courageous naval forces created a diverse array of naval weaponry. These advancements were echoed in the Air Force and air defense systems.

The Yemeni Identity

The September 21 Revolution is a truly Yemeni national movement, rooted in the heart and soul of the Yemeni people. It did not emerge from the secret halls of intelligence agencies or the dark backrooms of embassies and conspiracies. Rather, it sprang directly from the suffering, aspirations, and dreams of the Yemeni people. This is—undoubtedly—the secret of its resilience and growth, and the reason it remains strong today despite the many challenges and horrors it has faced since its inception.

The revolution came after decades of masked foreign guardianship and the previous regime’s complete failure to fulfill its duties. Dependence on foreign powers had become entrenched as both a culture and practice, and guardianship had transformed into a destructive force that crushed the Yemeni dream of a strong, independent nation capable of defending its sovereignty, protecting its citizens, and building a robust economy. Yemen was reduced to one of the world’s poorest, most corrupt countries, a breeding ground for injustice, oppression, and foreign-backed terrorism.

Al-Qaeda militants roamed freely across various regions, promoting their extremist ideology with the support of key government figures. Their flags flew over regions like Arhab, Jabal Ras, Al-Bayda, and other areas, including parts of Sawan in the heart of the capital in the days leading up to the revolution. Today, their banners still wave over areas like Marib and other occupied territories.

Freedom and Independence

Following the 2011 revolution, external interference intensified as foreign powers sought to exploit Yemen’s internal conflicts, reinforcing their control over the country. The Americans pursued their well-established policies of manipulating crises and capitalizing on internal strife to serve their interests. They introduced a political framework called the “Gulf Initiative,” which was, in truth, an American creation disguised under a Gulf label. Supervised directly by the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, this initiative tied the country’s internal affairs to foreign powers. Yemen was even placed under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, formalizing its submission to American control.

The external subjugation of Yemen was framed as “guardianship by the ten nations,” with the U.S. at the helm. The American ambassador in Sana’a essentially became the de facto ruler of Yemen, overseeing its affairs and making key decisions on its behalf. This allowed foreign powers to occupy Yemen without warfare—an efficient and low-cost way to dominate the country. Yet, the September 21 Revolution derailed these plans and crushed these conspiracies.

In this context, General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs, emphasized the importance of the September 21 Revolution in bolstering national freedom and independence, breaking Yemen free from foreign subordination. In his statement to Ansar Allah’s website, Al-Ruwaishan noted that the revolution was a natural response to the Yemeni people’s desire to liberate themselves from foreign domination and build a strong state capable of defending its sovereignty and interests. He added that the transformation witnessed after the revolution has elevated Yemen’s status on the international stage as a truly independent and sovereign nation.

A Radical Shift

One of the revolution’s key achievements was preserving Yemen’s principled stance on the central issues facing the Arab and Islamic world, particularly the Palestinian cause. The Americans had sought to reorient the region’s loyalty toward Israel under the banner of normalization, with the aim of erasing the Palestinian cause and isolating those who resist Israeli and American dominance. Yemen was targeted in this effort, with American-backed forces pushing for full normalization with Israel.

However, the revolution ensured that Yemen maintained its authentic stance against normalization, affirming that Israel remains an enemy of Islam, Muslims, and the Arab nation as a whole. Yemen continues to support the oppressed Palestinian people and stands in solidarity with the free peoples of the region in their collective struggle against Israel and its allies.

Ahmed Hamed, Director of the Presidential Office, also spoke to Ansar Allah’s website about the radical shift that Yemen experienced post-revolution, particularly in terms of breaking free from international guardianship and aligning with the broader causes of the Arab and Islamic world. Hamed emphasized that Yemen now makes its own decisions without external pressure, reinforcing the country’s sovereignty.

He further noted that the revolution solidified Yemen’s role in supporting Arab and Islamic causes, especially the Palestinian issue, with steadfast and unwavering positions in both word and deed, until the Zionist occupation is expelled. Hamed credited the revolution’s successes, after Allah’s grace, to the wisdom of the revolutionary leadership, embodied in Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi (may Allah protect him), whose deep faith and commitment to his religion, homeland, and the Palestinian cause were key factors in the revolution’s victory.

Looking Forward

The September 21 Revolution is driven by a revolutionary, jihadist spirit, and it will continue to achieve its objectives in honor of the martyrs’ blood and the resilience of the Yemeni people. The people will press forward in pursuit of the revolution’s core goals and its broader priorities.

The revolution is far from over—it has made great strides but still faces many challenges ahead. It continues to stand firm against American-Saudi and American-British-Israeli aggression. The Yemeni people will accept nothing less than full freedom and independence. No power—American, Israeli, Saudi, or otherwise—will impose its will on Yemen. The Yemeni people submit only to Allah, as a Muslim nation with the right to self-determination, free from any foreign control or influence.

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