General Department of Criminal investigation reveals its achievements during November


Yemen’s General Department of Criminal Investigation Department, through its various branches in the capital and governorates, has achieved outstanding success in controlling crime during November 2019.

It established that the number of crimes has been sized in all governorates during the past month reached 2936 different crimes, with a controlling crime rate of 93%.

The statistics issued by the General Department Criminal Investigation stated that the most prominent disciplined crimes were 85 murders, all 159 of them were arrested, and 639 crimes were attempted to murder, and all 920 accused were charged with due process.

In the context of combating and controlling theft crimes, the General Department of the Criminal Investigation managed through its various branches to control 416 different theft crimes, distributed to 83 home theft crimes, 36 shoplifting crimes, 12 car theft crimes, 18 motorcycle theft crimes, and 18 Forced robbery, 48 robbery, 45 robberies inside the cars, and 74 different robberies.

General Department of the Criminal Investigation also managed during the same period to arrest 17 crimes of public morals and moral corruption.

An official report explained that the plan to intensify the investigation and follow-up of suspects and people with antecedents has resulted in the detection of 74 crimes committed in previous times and was still unknown, all perpetrators were arrested and 42 crimes were foiled before they occurred. 


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