17.8 million in Yemen lack access to safe water and sanitation: ICRC

The International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) said that, due to the ongoing war in Yemen, some 17.8 million people in Yemen lack access to safe water and adequate sanitation.

The committee added in a tweet: “5,173,202 people have benefited from our water and sanitation activities from January to December.”

The Red Cross Committee, in another tweet, stated that “the war in urban and densely populated areas has caused the displacement of 3.3 million people in Yemen from their homes.

Because of the war, poverty in Yemen has jumped from 47 percent of the population in 2014 to a projected 75 percent by the end of 2019.

Not only has the war made Yemen the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, it has plunged it into a harrowing development crisis too.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating campaign against Yemen in March 2015, with the goal of crushing the Houthis (Ansarollah).


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