Yemeni Scholars Condemn Wahhabi Normalization with Jews

Yemen Scholars Association condemned, on Sunday, the steps of Wahhabi normalization with the Jews, declaring solidarity with the preacher and Mufti of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Ikrima Sabri and denouncing any threat or abuse on him by Jews.

The Association said in a statement that the suspicious visit with the permission and encouragement of the Saudi regime for some bad scholars and the trumpets of normalization with the usurping Zionist entity included the former Saudi Minister of Justice, the Secretary-General of the so-called Association of the Islamic World Muhammad Al-Essa and some bad scholars.

Yemen Scholars Association rejected categorically and any of the steps of rapprochement, reconciliation, and normalization with the usurping Zionist entity occupying the land and defiling the sanctities.

It called for “issuing an explicit fatwa requiring the removal of the Saudi regime’s jurisdiction over the land of the two Holy Mosques and showing the extent of foolishness and disregard for this regime in the nation and its issues and capabilities.”


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