Al-Ekram foundation distributes 150 food parcels to poorest families in Saada

Al-Ekram Development Charitable Foundation launched its humanitarian activities for this year in Saada governorate, distributing food baskets in coordination with the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation in the governorate.

The food basket project, funded by Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, targets 150 of the poorest families in the districts of Saada, Sahar, Majaz, and Al-Safra to alleviate their suffering and contribute to strengthening social solidarity.

Fathi Al-Batal, the food basket project coordinator at the Foundation, considered the food basket project the first activity of the Foundation in Saada governorate in 2020, to alleviate the suffering of the poorest families, the displaced and the handicapped.

He emphasized that caring for the poor, needy and poorest groups of people is one of the priorities of the Foundation’s activity, in a way that enhances the principle of social solidarity, Pointing out that the project is the beginning of the road for the Foundation’s activities and projects for the current year in several fields, most notably agricultural, empowerment, health and education.


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