In front of Massacres of Global Terrorism, Yemen Victorious over Coronavirus

Translated Article By Bandar Al-Hitar

Certainly, one of the most important and influential weapons in wars is intimidation and the terror of an adversary, even large military armies can be defeated in front of an organized terror campaign. History is a witness to many of the battles that led to this result. Therefore, the various military institutions in the world strive to enhance the morale of the individual, then it develops advanced strategies and methodologies to advance this spirit to include society if the country enters a military confrontation.

Even political life is full of signs of intimidation of opponents, even in a mostly diplomatic way. It is a methodology believed to have a positive fruit in deterring the opponent and making him rethink the thorny issues between countries. In simple terms, intimidation is aimed at the opponent, not the friend and ally, and if we drop this on the health sectors, it is not logical for the doctor to adopt the methodology of intimidation towards his patient, unless he was motivated by antagonism and revenge.

In this regard, many questions are raised:

Is it humanity to terrorize society in the event of the spread of diseases and epidemics, and why do countries not care about the morale of patients as they do with the morale of their armies?

Doesn’t the patient need reassurance and psychological comfort more than a soldier who is often in good health and with strong physical structure?

Even the medical consultations in place in the world for the various diseases, chronic ones specifically, confirm the importance of morale in the recovery of many patients, and vice versa.

Faced with this reality, why has the global response to the corona epidemic emerged in a different way, by adopting a policy of intimidation rather than reassurance with warning?

The Yemeni Minister of Health, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, confirms that the psychological trauma created by political leaders and the media about corona causes many of the deaths in the world.

From this standpoint, Yemen has realized the seriousness of the media terrorism that states are adopting, either intentionally or with ignorance.

Ministry of Health in Sana’ announced a strategy of “neither intimidation nor underestimation”, in line with the principle that intimidation of society is a crime, and then a response to the difficult humanitarian and living conditions created by the aggression and the siege.

Yemeni national channels, headed by Almasirah, carried out field visits to the health isolation centers in Sana’a and Dhamar, and revealed to the community through the testimonies of corona patients, who are essentially suffering from chronic diseases, how they recovered, and how the medical staff contributed to reassuring them when they were not told that they were infected with the epidemic until they got out of danger.

We saw in various countries with the beginning of the spread of corona, how terror surrounded hospitals and isolation centers, until some societies seemed to alienate from the patients who recovered. In addition to the inhuman way in which the process of burying the dead bodies took place as it happened in the countries of the West.

This horror fell in front of the strategy pursued by Sana’a, and that represented a stumbling block in front of the goals of the coalition of aggression that tried to exploit the corona epidemic to create societal chaos, beginning with the health sector and not ending with the living conditions of people. When it failed, its media media resorted to spreading the rumors, but it was a desperate attempt, which quickly fell and faded.

Source: al-masirah

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