FM condemns UN’s removal of Saudi coalition from list of shame

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Tuesday strongly condemned the UN Secretary-General’s move to remove the Saudi-led Coalition from the list of shame for child rights violators.

The Foreign Minister confirmed in a statement to Saba that this step was part of the policy of interests and in response to repeated Saudi pressure on the United Nations on many issues, which amounted to the threat of a suspension of its funding to the organization, and that it is not as the United Nations and the trumpets of aggression tried to promote it as a result of making progress in protecting The children of Yemen during the past year.

He expressed deep regret at the response of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to these pressures, unlike those of his predecessor Ban Ki-moon, who had shown some courage and under international media pressure and blacklisted Saudi Arabia during his tenure as UN Secretary-General.

Foreign Minister said that two years ago the UN secretary-general not only fragmented the list of shame to please Saudi Arabia, but also removed the coalition from that list completely.

He stressed that removing the name of the Saudi-led aggression coalition from the list of shame is a new setback for the efforts of the United Nations, even timidly in the field of protecting and promoting the rights of children in the world, and will encourage the Saudi regime and its air forces to continue its crimes against the children of Yemen, the latest of which is the crime of targeting civilians in Shada district of Saada province, which has claimed the lives of four children who are only guilty of being Yemeni.

He pointed out that the Yemeni authorities will not be silent about these crimes and this shameful measure to please Saudi Arabia and will raise the issue internationally and through all available means to strip the international collusion with the Saudi regime under the influence of interests and money stained with blood.

Minister Sharaf stressed that over the past five years, the Saudi regime-led coalition of aggression has committed all the unimaginable crimes against Yemeni children, including murder, mutilation and disability, as well as targeting schools and hospitals, hampering humanitarian access and the livelihood and food needs of the Yemeni people.

“The United Nations should have included the Saudi ruling regime in the rest of the gross violations of children’s rights and the rights of all citizens of Yemen, not removing it from the orphan violation for which it was listed earlier,” he said.

The Foreign Minister called on the UN Secretary-General to reverse his decision to preserve his history, protect Yemeni children from Saudi crimes, preserve the credibility of the UN organization and never mention in the history books that the UN leadership was an accomplice in the murder of Yemeni children.

“It is enough for the Secretary-General to know where he lives in New York that the killing of an African-American citizen has shaken millions of Americans and the world, so how about a Saudi regime that kills thousands of Yemeni children in the eyes of the world,” he said.

Source: Saba

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