Defense Minister Confirms Continuation of Strategic Operations in Enemy’s Depth in Response to Its Crimes, Siege

Quoted from al-Masirah English website that the Minister of Defense, Major General Mohammed Al-Atefi, affirmed that the Yemeni Armed Forces continue to carry out large-scale strategic offensive operations in the Saudi depth to put an end to the aggression’s arrogance and lifting siege against the Yemeni people.

In a statement to Saba Agency, Maj. Gen. Al-Atefi indicated that the Yemen’s military capabilities were clear by 4th Balanced Deterrence Operation and the Rocketry and Air Forces.

He praised Marib tribes, who stand beside the Armed forces and the Popular Committees for confronting of aggression.

The Minister of Defense affirmed that the liberation of Radman district, the Qaniyah and Al-Abdiyah areas is a qualitative achievement to enhance security and stability in Al-Baidha Governorate.

He added, “As we are in the mid-2020s, we emphasize strengthening the defensive and offensive capabilities of the Republic of Yemen. He explained that the Armed Forces are equipped with the latest manufactured and developed weapons by Yemeni expertise. And they will continue developing all strategic deterrence weapons to be capable for targeting military and economic targets in the enemy’s depth.”

Al-Atefi pointed out that those who rush to normalize with the Israeli enemy under a Saudi-Emirati order are tools of the invaders where the Yemeni people do not consider them Yemenis, as they always support the Palestinian issue”.

“The political and military equations changed in favor of Yemen and the forces of aggression have been defeated, and the aggression has nothing to do except to leave the country”, he added.

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