Sons of al-Talh condemn the brutal crime against the al-Subai’ean family in Mar’ib

Sons of al-Talh, in Suhar district of Sa’ada governorate, carried out a protest stand, in denunciation of the brutal crime committed by Islah militants against the al-Subai’ean family in Ma’rib governorate.

In the event, the participants deplored the brutal crime committed by the US-Saudi aggression against the al-Subai’ean family in Ma’rib governorate, stressing that the blood of the martyrs will be the reason for victory.

The participants condemned the shameful attitudes of the human rights chief, particularly the United Nations, its identification with criminals, and its tolerance of flagrant violations of the right of Yemeni people.

The participants renewed their continued support for the fields of pride and fathers with money and men convoys as a religious and patriotic duty.

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