Parliament condemns aggression’s continual crimes, sends letter to UN’s Chief

The Parliament on Monday strongly condemned the continual crimes of Saudi-led aggression coalition against Yemeni people, the latest of which was targeting of a citizen’s house in Washha district of Hajjah province, which killed ten civilians, including women and children.

In its session, the Parliament affirmed that the international silence and the policy of double standards contributed to the aggression coalition countries’ persistence in killing women and children and committing more crimes in Yemen, which makes the United Nations and all its affiliates involved in these massacres.

The Parliament members considered these massacres and crimes a stain on the forehead of the international institutions that are supposed to stand by the victims, not in the ranks of the executioner and killer of children and women.

They called for a speedy investigation into all documented crimes as war crimes that do not lapse by statute of limitations.

In this regard, the House of Representatives addressed a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and a number of heads of Arab and international federations and parliaments and the Human Rights Council, in which it affirmed that the aggression and the blockade on Yemen by the aggression coalition countries led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE since March 2015 AD, has led to the destruction of infrastructure and all capabilities of the Yemeni people.

The letter explained that the Yemeni people are living the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world, especially after the spread of the Corona virus in full view of the international community, the Security Council, the United Nations, and international and regional human rights bodies.

The House’s letter confirmed that the Parliament in the capital, Sanaa, is the sole representative of the Yemeni people in all its political, social and cultural segments and spectra, warning against the mercenaries government’s signing any oil and gas contracts and agreements and selling the wealth and capabilities of the Yemeni people under any name.

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