Mousavi Reacts To So-called Anti-Iran Allegations: Stop Attack on Yemen

Secretary general of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Nayef Fallah Mubarak al-Hijraf allegedly claimed on Monday that Iran was sending weapons to besieged Yemen in order to attract the attention of the Saudi and UAE regimes.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi warned on Tuesday that instead of continuing the process of projections, making accusations and baseless allegations against Iran, the secretary general of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council would better focus on the need to stop the coalition’s attacks on Yemeni women and children and providing aid to resolve the Yemeni crisis through intra-Yemeni talks.
Mousavi added: “Some members of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council are now silent in a frightened atmosphere against the main issues and threats of the Muslim world and the oppressed Palestinian nation, orchestrated by the United States and the Zionist regime, and have been engaged in bombing the Yemeni people as well as the cruel siege of Yemen together with the prevention of the delivery of food, fuel and medicine needed to combat fight against spread of COVID-19.
The spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also referred to the hypocritical stance of the Saudis and the resigned government of ‘Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi’ in dealing with the UN Secretary General’s initiative to stop the conflicts around the world, including Yemen.
“They continue their brutal bombings and, by rejecting the Yemeni peace plan by the Secretary-General’s representative, they continue to insist on a military solution to the crisis and try to accuse others of diverting the world’s attention from their aggression,” he added.
Source: Iran Press

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