A mass protest rally in Hajjah against continuing aggression on Yemen

Sons, sheiks, and dignitaries of Hajjah province have organized a protest stand, held on Friday, to denounce the continuation of the US-Saudi aggression against Yemen.

Protesters in the protest stand deplored the disregard of the United Nations and the international community for the crimes committed by the countries of the Aggression Coalition against Yemen, its land, and its human being, demanding that it must play its responsible role in stopping the aggression immediately.

The protesters demanded the release of the oil ships. The countries of aggression are held responsible for the worsening of the humanitarian situation as a result of the continued detention of oil vessels, they added.

They confirmed, in a statement issued by the protestors, the continuation of supporting the military fronts with money and fighters to make more sacrifices in defense of land and national sovereignty.

Protesters called on tribes of Yemen to stand in the fields of defending the homeland against the occupiers and invaders.

They praised the victories that the army and the popular committees are carrying out in the fields of pride, dignity, and honor, the last of which was the victories in Wald Rabee district in Bayda.

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