Yemenis celebrate the Prophet’s birthday again, despite aggression’s crimes

The great Yemeni people are preparing to commemorate the birth of the Messenger of Mercy and the last one of the Prophets, Muhammad – peace be upon him and his family, in a scene that brings to minds their embrace of the Muhammadiyah message when He migrated from the oppression of the Quraishi infidels to the city of Aws and Khazraj who protected and supported the message and sacrifice their lives and money and spread it to parts of the globe. It is a repeated scene that happens now, where the true Islam migrated to Yemen, as a result of the oppression, the Wahhabi distortion, and the Zionist targeting of the pillars of the true religion.

The Yemeni people celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet, despite what they are suffering from Zionist-American Arab aggression, and they work to endure various types of torture to leave the Greatest Prophet and believing him and to believe in Zionism, which the Arab systems of betrayal have professed to believe in and atone with the directions of Al-Mighty and His Noble Messenger.

The leader of the revolution, Sayyad Abdulmalik Al-Houthi inaugurates the prophetic activities to stress the importance of reviving the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, especially this year which is witnessing a hypocritical Zionist movement in America to undermine the tolerant Islam whose first key is the Messenger Mohammed, peace be upon him and his family. Sayyad Al Houthi appeared in an inaugural speech for the celebrations, where o he emphasized that the Yemeni people will prepare the memory of the Prophet’s birthday, making it a distinct and incomparable world occasions. He described the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday as the light to confront American and Western tyranny.

During the speech, the Leader called for the great interaction in commemoration of the birth of the Prophet and the honorable attendance in all the activities that will be held on this occasion, to be a practical response to the tyrants of the earth who offend the great messenger and Islam.

Al- Houthi Yemen’s leader affirmed that the Yemeni people celebrate this occasion as a major educational awareness and mobilization station that has its importance and great impact on the reality of our lives, strengthening and consolidating our faith and facing all the challenges that we are addressing.

Popular and official preparations for the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday

The capital, Sanaa, and the various governorates are witnessing movement and official and societal interaction in celebration of the birthday of the Great Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him and his family, in preparation for the biggest celebration on this occasion which will be on the coming Thursday.

Various official and popular bodies are racing against time to complete preparations to receive delegations participating in the commemoration of this memory, and to draw a painting of Muhammadiyah faith that contains the connotations and contents of the Yemeni love and the strength of their association with the noble Prophet, peace be upon him, and to continue the approach and behavior of the Yemenis in celebrating this occasion.

In a day and night work, various governorates and districts are witnessing intense community activities and meetings for sectors and executive offices, in a scene that expresses the greatness and position of the greatest Messenger in the conscience of Yemenis and their connection to his fragrant life.

The festive activities varied, from religious recitations, praise chants, seminars and evenings, as well as cultural competitions and awareness sessions in mosques, sports clubs, institutes, and universities, which focused on introducing the characteristics of the final Messenger, His morals, courage, jihad, life and purified Sunna

In a wonderful scene, most neighborhoods of the capital, Sana’a, were decorated with green badges, banners, and lights. Aesthetic and traffic improvement arrangements were completed, cleaning and decoration work in mosques and streets and their lighting and panels

Where installed in a manner befitting the stature of the owner of the memory and his place in the hearts.

Great efforts are exerted to secure the guests of the Holy Prophet. On the security level, the Ministry of Interior, the Security and Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Defense and Society, are doing utmost efforts to secure the guests of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers be upon him and his family – and the success of the large mass celebratory events in the capital and the rest of the governorates.

In this context, the Minister of Interior, Major General / Abdul Karim Amiruddin Al-Houthi, stressed the importance of tightening security measures and raising the level of coordination between the various security units, according to the joint plan for securing the central public event that will be held in the capital to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday, and he also stressed the importance of raising vigilance and security sense intensifying investigations and security deployment, and following up on suspects, those with precedents and anyone wanted to target security. He directed to activate the role of community policing and raise the level of cooperation with citizens to maintain security and stability and thwart any criminal plans.

The Ministry of Interior confirmed the allocation of thirty thousand officers and soldiers from various security units to carry out the task of securing central activity, in addition to the existence of a traffic plan to facilitate the movement of cars and delegations celebrating the birth of the Prophet.

An invitation to the most popular post

The revolutionary leadership has called on the great Yemeni people to interact greatly in commemorating the birth of the Prophet and to attend the central events that will be held next Thursday, to deliver messages of peace to the common Muslims that the Yemeni people adhere to the final Messenger, and that all Arab and Islamic peoples are brothers and should not be separated by regimes of treachery. It renewed the emphasis on the categorical rejection of all forms of normalization with the entity of the Zionist enemy and the continuation of jihad for the sake of God until the abolition of brutal aggression and cutting off the arms of the Zionist entity in the Arab world, and moving towards the enemy of the nation and liberating all Islamic sanctities.

Resource: ansarollah website.


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