Palestinian fisherman wounded by Zionist fire in Gaza Sea

A Palestinian fisherman on Sunday night was wounded by bullets from Zionist enemy forces off the beach of the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.

According to Palestine Now agency the coordinator of the Union of Fishermen’s Committees, Zakaria Bakr, said that the fisherman, Muhammad Yasin al-Sultan (26 years), was hit by several bullets in the groin area, which the enemy soldiers fired at him and his brother (12 years).

Bakr explained that the Sultan fisherman was injured while his boat was sailing just one mile off the Beit Lahiya Sea.

The enemy freely continues its attacks against the Palestinian fishermen’s boats spread along the coast of the Strip. This led to the death of a number of fishermen, wounding dozens, in addition to their boats being exposed to varying damage, and the confiscation of other boats.

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