Over 80 Organizations Urge Biden to Prioritize Ending U.S. Involvement in Yemen War

over 80 organizations representing millions of people across the United States sent a joint letter to President-elect, Joe Biden, with an urgent request that he prioritize ending U.S. support for the disastrous Saudi-led war in Yemen, as he indicated he would during his campaign.

The letter red: “It’s time for America to reclaim its moral compass and withdraw completely from any involvement in the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Ending U.S participation would signal to millions of Yemenis living in Yemen and thousands of Yemeni-Americans who worry about their families in Yemen that weapon sales and geopolitical chess moves are not more important than their lives and the lives of their loved ones.”

“The Biden Administration should stop all participation in the war – including intelligence sharing – and refocus on true U.S. security interests rather than the whims of the famine-causing Saudi dictatorship,” the letter concluded.

Source: Agencies


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