Medical official: Corona is eternal, vaccine is inevitable

A prominent British medical official warned that the new Corona virus would continue forever, calling on citizens to take the vaccine.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jonathan Van Tam, said in a press statement: “We will never eradicate the Corona virus,” but he urged the British to take the vaccine if they want their dreams of returning to normal life to come true, as he described it.

In response to a question from the British newspaper “The Sun” about his expectations regarding the time to eliminate Covid-19, Jonathan explained that it is likely that the disease will continue with humans forever, adding that infection with the virus will become “seasonal.”

Regarding the precautionary measures imposed due to the epidemic, Jonathan explained: “I don’t think the government will continue to recommend social distancing, masks and hand sanitizer forever, and I hope that we will return to our normal life before the outbreak of the epidemic, despite my belief that some of the habits we adopted during this period may become permanent for some. ”

Regarding the vaccine that the British government authorized to use, which is produced by “Pfizer” and “Biontech” companies, Jonathan indicated the need to take two doses of it to obtain full protection, pointing out that scientists do not know whether the vaccine prevents the transmission of the virus.

Regarding the duration of the vaccination process, Jonathan indicated that it may take months, calling for the demand for vaccination with the vaccine, if citizens want to end the social distancing measures and lockdown restrictions.



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