Yemen discuss several joint activities with UNHCR

The head of the Civil Status and Civil Registry Authority, Major General Mohamed Abdel-Azim Al-Hakim, deputy director of programs of the UNHCR, Sherzod Zairzhanov disused here on Sunday a number of the joint the joint activities between the authority and the commission.

The meeting reviewed several issues related to refugees and their children and granting birth certificates for children and ID cards to displaced persons.

The meeting stressed the impotence of the possibility of supporting the authority to enhance its performance and implement the 2021 activities.

UNHCR ‘s official praised the efforts made by the authority’s leadership to cooperate with the commission’s activities despite the difficult conditions that Yemen is going through.

Al-Hakim affirmed on the authority’s readiness to provide facilitations to grant refugees a birth certificate and IDPs ID cards in accordance with the Civil Status Law and the Civil Registry.

While the deputy director of programs of the commission praised the efforts of the authority’s leadership and its interaction with the activities of the commission despite the difficult conditions that Yemen is going through.

The meeting was attended by the Director General of the Civil Registry, Brigadier Hashim Ibrahim, the Deputy Director General of the Civil Registry, Colonel Muhammad Al-Omari, and the Commissioner for Permanent Solutions at the Commission Haitham Al-Sufi.


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