Abdul Salam: if America takes any hostile step, our right to respond is guaranteed and reserved

The official spokesman for Ansarullah, Mohammed Abdul Salam, confirmed, on Tuesday, that if America takes any hostile step, our right to respond is guaranteed and reserved.

In a comment on the American decision to classify Ansarullah as a “terrorist organization,” Mohammed Abdul Salam told Al Masirah TV, “We are facing aggression, and what the leadership decides on the military side is a legitimate and guaranteed option,

“Our people continue to respond to repel the aggression, and this is a natural situation,” he added.

Abdul Salam clarified that the American position does not represent anything new in its content except to become public, because the American has used all his options against our people for decades through the interference of embassies in power

As well as interfering in all wars, military strife and decisions that obstruct the progress of our people.

He pointed out that the aggression against Yemen is based on an American decision and the blockade is imposed by America, while Saudi Arabia is only an implementation tool.

Abdul Salam confirmed that the American classification of Ansar Allah comes after this administration has exhausted all its options against our people.

He also revealed that the American ambassador was the one who determined the details of the negotiations since the beginning of the aggression, and the American political interference has been in place since the beginning of the aggression.

Abdul Salam stressed that the comprehensive aggression politically, militarily and economically did not reach a result, and this classification is its last thing, explaining that the Yemeni people do not live on the contributions of organizations, but rather live in a state of solidarity and strive to invest natural resources

He also pointed out that many countries have classified by America as terrorists, as Iran which taking advantage of the situation to raise their internal capabilities.

Abdul Salam affirmed that the international community was quick to contact us to confirm that the American classification does not concern them and America is acting recklessly on various issues.”

Abdul Salam expressed his appreciation for the stance of the countries that rejected the American designation, explaining that this classification comes because we stand against American and Israeli ambitions.

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