Zarif: Saudi Arabia can’t achieve military victory

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that “Saudi Arabia can’t achieve a military victory, and it cannot get negotiations on what it has failed militarily.”

“Any Israeli attack on Iran would be suicide,” Zarif told Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV channel.

“It is our neighbors’ fault that they allowed Israel to transfer the conflict to their lands, and it will rob them of security and will not take the initiative to defend them.”

Zarif considered that “the problem of the region is that its countries place more hope on the outside than on the inside.”

“If President Joe Biden continues with his predecessor Donald Trump’s approach, he will get nothing from Iran,” he affirmed.

“The United States has not implemented any article in the nuclear agreement in four years,” added.

“Iran’s goal in Syria is to fight terrorism, and Israel must realize that policies to support terrorist groups will not remain unanswered,” he stressed. We made proposals to help Lebanon after the port explosion, but American pressure prevented it.

“Tehran is working to help the Lebanese agree with each other,” he said, adding: “We cannot impose any agreement on the Lebanese and no one has the capacity to do so.”

Source: Agencies.

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