Hundreds of Global Figures Call on Biden to uphold Palestinian Rights

More than 680 prominent global leaders have called on US President Joe Biden to honor his commitments toward protecting the human rights of the Palestinians and bring an end to Israeli domination and oppression.

In a recent open letter, the groups and individuals from 75 countries demanded that the Biden administration assure “accountability for Israeli authorities that violate Palestinian rights”.

“We, the undersigned global coalition of leaders – from civil society to business, the arts and faith communities, politics and Nobel laureates – call for US leadership to take action to help bring an end to Israel’s institutionalized domination and oppression of the Palestinian people and protect their fundamental human rights.”

Signatories include human rights groups, lawyers, former officials and leaders, US academics, civil society activists, Palestinian NGOs, Christian Aid, former Irish President Mary Robinson, expatriate Israeli academic Ilan Pappe, US academic Noam Chomsky, Israel’s former Attorney General Michael Ben-Yair, and former Knesset (Israeli parliament) speaker Avraham Burg, among others.

They also urged Biden to apply “concerted diplomatic pressure” against Israel to end its “ever-expanding discrimination and oppression” of the Palestinians and to end Washington’s policy of maintaining the “political status quo devoid of justice and accountability”.

Source: Press TV

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