In the presence of representatives of the resistance.. Saada receives the second batch of donations to Palestine

Today, the committee to collect donations to support the resistance and the Palestinian people in Saada governorate received the second batch of donations from the people of the governorate. The total donations reached to 203 million riyals.

During the handover, in the presence of Yemeni officials, the representative of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Yemen, Ahmed Baraka, and the representative of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Khaled Khalifa, the Governor of Saada, Muhammad Jaber Awad confirmed that Saada feels with Gaza Wounds, pain, aggression and siege, and remained loyal to Palestine ,people and resistance.

He pointed out that the issue of Palestine will remain the central issue of the Yemeni people, praising the efforts of all those who contributed and interacted in the donation campaign from merchants, citizens and the women.

The governor of Saada pointed out that the killers of children are the Americans, the Israelis, the regimes of the coalition of aggression, as well as the United Nations.It pays tribute to human rights and always covers up the crimes of the arrogant countries in Yemen, Palestine and others.

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