Minister of Health, Governor of Saada inspect the summer center in Maran region

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, and the Governor of Saada, Mohammed Awad, were briefed on the progress of the activities and programs of the summer center at Al-Imam Al-Hadi School in Khamis Maran, Haidan district.

The Minister of Health valued the great interaction of students, teachers, and those in charge of the summer center, stressing the importance of the summer centers in immunizing young people and youth at a time when all the forces of evil are raging against the Yemeni people.

In turn, Governor Awad pointed to the spread of diseases and epidemics caused by the aggression as a result of its use of internationally prohibited weapons and the resulting deformities of children.

He pointed out that the killers of children are the Americans, the Israelis, the regimes of the coalition of aggression, and the United Nations, which pay lip service to human rights and always cover up the crimes of the arrogant countries in Yemen, Palestine, and others.

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