Chambers of Commerce Holds Aden Customs Responsible for Food, Pharmaceutical Shortage

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sana’a warned of the repercussions of any shortage in food, pharmaceutical and consumer goods as a result of Aden Customs’ decision to raise tariffs.

A statement issued by the Chamber holds Aden Customs responsible for the illegal measures it took to raise the price of the customs dollar from 250 to 500 riyals per dollar.

It pointed out that the absurd and ill-considered decision of Aden Customs causes direct damage to the imports, unloading and supply operations in the port of Aden.

The statement said, “The private sector will not be able to implement the decision, as its implementation means raising prices by 100 percent, and this is what the Yemeni People cannot tolerate and the private sector will not be dragged into adding burdens on citizens.”

The Chamber of Commerce renewed their rejection of this decision, and their appeal to the United Nations, international economic organizations, donors and brotherly and friendly countries to intervene urgently and pressure towards stopping the decision and cooperating with the private sector in this aspect.

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