People of Hodeidah rally to show approval of leadership upcoming decisions against US-Saudi aggression

The city of Hodeidah witnessed, this afternoon, a massive protest to denounce the blockade and the continuation of the systematic economic aggression against the Yemeni people under the slogan “Siege is war”.

The participants in the event emphasized on the continuation of steadfastness and to confront the aggression.

They also chanted in anger and indignation towards the American blockade and affirmed the right of the Yemeni people to defend themselves and their sovereignty in the face of the forces of aggression, condemning the position of the United Nations, which does not carry a real plan for peace and end the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The participants raised banners of freedom and revolution, adherence to the option of defending sovereignty, dignity, and the independence of the homeland, rejecting trusteeship projects, plundering Yemen’s wealth and resources, systematic starvation war, and confiscating the salaries of state employees.

In the protest that was participated by the Governor Mohammed Qahim, Deputy Director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic Fahd Al-Ezzi, Secretary General of the Prime Ministry Taha Al-Sufyani, Deputy Minister of Interior Major General Abdul-Majid Al-Murtada and a number of members of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council, the First Undersecretary of the Governorate Ahmed Al-Bishri considered, in the speech of the local authority, that the continuation of international collusion and conspiracy after eight years of killing, siege, destruction and displacement, is clear evidence of the international community’s lack of impartiality and giving false slogans of human rights to implement colonial plans.

He also considered the escalation of the practices carried out by the aggression coalition and the deals made with the mercenary government are for controlling Yemen’s ports, occupying the islands and selling the wealth and oil of Yemen, noting that doubles the suffering of the people and keeps the salaries from being paid.

He pointed out that the steadfastness of the Yemenis and their support for the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, the army, and security, will foil all the plans of the countries of aggression, stressing the Yemeni people’s rejection of any partial solutions, and they will only be satisfied with stopping the aggression, the comprehensive lifting of the siege and the departure of the occupation.

Al-Bishri directed the messages of the people of Al-Hodeidah to the aggression coalition to stop arrogance in their war siege, pointing out that Yemen is the graveyard of invaders since ancient times.

Moreover, he announced the readiness of the people of Hodeidah to implement the leadership’s options by responding to the practices of aggression, lifting the siege, and directing the harshest attacks on the enemy’s territory as an irreplaceable option to defend the country, its freedom and independence, and obtaining its full political decision to its self.

The First Undersecretary of Al-Hodeidah Governorate warned the forces of aggression against persisting in the crimes of the blockade, stressing that the Yemeni people will not relinquish their sovereignty, regardless of the repercussions of the unjust siege and restrictions.

For her part, the speech of the social figures delivered by a member of the Shura Council, Abdul Rahman Makram, affirmed that the people of Hodeidah will continue to defend the land, honor, dignity, and sovereignty.

The statement issued by the protest demanded the United Nations to break its silence after eight years of siding with the enemy and remaining silent about the most heinous crimes and the unjust siege, stressing that Yemenis have the right to have the siege lifted and salaries disbursed.

The statement called for strengthening efforts to support general mobilization, and supporting the fronts to put an end to arrogance and persistence in the siege, and to teach the invaders and their tools lessons in pride and dignity.

He explained that the departure of the people of Hodeidah in the “siege is war” march comes within the framework of embodying awareness of the values of the revolutionary struggle that stems from the principles of the holy book (Quran).

The statement stressed that the blockade is the biggest humanitarian crime that is resulting in the suffering and killing of the Yemeni people, who are living the worst humanitarian catastrophe. This indicates that true peace is represented by stopping the aggression, lifting the blockade, stopping foreign interference, and not being biased towards the enemy.

Moreover, the statement added that the consequences of continuing the blockade of Yemen will be dangerous for the coalition countries, because their bet on America and foreign countries protecting their facilities will not continue, pointing out that what the countries of aggression promote about providing humanitarian aid to Yemen is misleading to cover up the consequences of their unjust blockade.

The statement also affirmed the support of the province of Hodeidah, and it has mandated the Leader of the Revolution, the Supreme Political Council and the Salvation Government to confront the blockade and aggression in all appropriate ways and means, and to take what necessary measures in the event of non-compliance with the demands of the Yemeni people, lifting the comprehensive blockade and disbursing salaries.

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