US attempts to impede the Muscat negotiations; Sana’a threatens to resume military operations

After five months of negotiations, the Zionist-American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition is still looking for different kind of ways to impede steps that could possibly extend the armistice.
This time, the Saudi aggression wants to open roads(in frontline zones) in exchange for paying the salaries of employees, opening the port of Hodeidah, and expanding the routes from Sanaa airport. However, Sanaa completely rejected this offer, as it links humanitarian files with military ones, stressing the need to separate the humanitarian file, for it is an entitlement to any progress towards any armistice.

The leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, threatened during a speech last Friday to resume military operations, accusing the aggression coalition of prolonging the negotiations and evading the implementation of humanitarian entitlements, emphasizing the complications that stand in the way of negotiations.

Washington changed Riyadh’s position

The recent round of discussions would have yielded a comprehensive solution to the war on Yemen, according to a private source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sanaa, had it not been for the interventions of the United States of America through its ambassador to obstruct any signature by the party of the aggressive Saudi coalition, indicating that among the agreements that the parties would have concluded, were it not for the interventions Washington and its directions to the Saudi side, were total military withdrawal from Yemen and the direct payment of salaries to employees.

It was agreed to hand over the salaries of all employees, and Saudi Arabia gave verbal approval to Sanaa in this regard. However, the visit of the American envoy to the region changed Riyadh’s position later, as the latter has not yet responded to the proposal of Sanaa, which was submitted through the Omani mediator, that requires expediting the payment of salaries starting next March.

Three key points

Regarding the latest developments in the course of the negotiations taking place in Muscat, the leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, revealed what is going on behind the scenes of the negotiations in Muscat, accusing the United States of America of deliberately impeding peace and seeking to hinder the efforts made by the Sultanate of Oman in order to reach an agreement that ends the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The leader of the revolution said, in his speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyr President Saleh al-Sammad, that the American side is working to obstruct the Omani efforts in three main points, the first of which is its attempt to distance the coalition from any obligations arising from any agreement, and to acquit Saudi Arabia of its direct role as the leader of the aggression against the people of Yemen. In addition, it refused to link the payment of state employees’ salaries to the proceeds of oil and gas sales. Also, they are trying to “transform the matter into a purely internal conflict” and “attempt to delay the expulsion of the occupying foreign forces.”

In the second point, Sayyid Al-Houthi explained that “the American is trying to turn the issue into a purely internal issue,” stressing that “this can never be accepted, and the issue cannot turn into a problem with small mercenaries who are nothing but recruits with the aggression coalition.” Stressing that: “The role of the one who presented himself since the beginning of the aggression as a leader of the war and an executor of offensive operations against our country cannot turn into a mere mediator.”

With regard to the third point, the Leader stated that “the Americans are playing their game on the issue of the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country and are trying to postpone this step indefinitely,” stressing that “we cannot accept the continuation of the occupation and the presence of foreign forces in our country, and this is a fundamental issue. for us.”

“We will continue with all options, with all efforts in all fields, to achieve complete freedom and complete independence, and to retain all parts of our country from every foreign occupation,” Sayyid Al-Houthi assured.

America obstructs the path of peace

Western media confirmed in its reports that America is obstructing the peace process in Yemen, as the American magazine “National Interest” revealed in a recently published report that the decision of the war powers in Yemen was withdrawn from voting in the Senate during the past month, noting that if the decision was passed, this would have ended the direct US military intervention in the Saudi war in Yemen.

According to the magazine, the withdrawal of the resolution came after President Joe promised Eden and his administration to veto the resolution if it was passed, which confirms Washington’s unwillingness to end the war, which expresses their desire for a return to military escalation.

Dangerously opportunistic approach

The Russian delegate, Dmitry Polyansky, to the Security Council, during a special session in mid-January held to discuss the situation in Yemen, said: “The international community must do everything in its power to restore peace to Yemen,” continuing to say: “Moscow maintains its relationship with the Sanaa authorities.”

The representative of Russia added that Western countries seek to plunder and export Yemeni oil and gas, and do not want to reach a comprehensive solution in Yemen, indicating that the goal of Westerners is not to reach a comprehensive solution in Yemen, but rather to export its “oil” to global markets. He said: Western countries practice opportunism by focusing on obtaining Yemeni oil and gas, and we consider this opportunistic Western approach very dangerous and harmful to sustainable peace in Yemen.

Dangerous plots and moves

Political analysts and observers confirmed that there is a clear duplicity of the Americans in Yemen, as their talk about peace contradicts their movements in reality. There is a continuous aggressive behavior and an influx of American forces in Bab al-Mandab and off the Yemeni coast, and the construction of military bases in the governorates of Hadramout and al-Mahra, in addition to the islands of Mayon and Socotra, adding: that there are conspiracies and dangerous movements by American-British plotters, in a new transformation of the conflict and with new methods in a clear dedication to the continuation of the aggression and siege on Yemen, all of Yemen, with American-Western intransigence and insistence in imposing a state of no peace and no war and tireless work in building occupation projects, and this is what is happening in reality , and without a clear horizon for a solution, blocking any moves or efforts that contribute to achieving peace.

Repeated attempts to escalate

They pointed out that Washington views peace in Yemen as a real danger threatening its colonial presence in the country, especially with the adherence of Sanaa, which succeeded in imposing its conditions and demands on the negotiating table, in controlling over all the details of the open confrontation with the forces of the Zionist-American-Saudi-Emirati coalition of aggression, in various fields.

Sanaa is able to overcome the plots

The American, British and all the countries of aggression in Yemen, realize their inability to confront Sanaa after their failure for the eighth year in a row to achieve any significant victory in the military field. Their fears lie not only in getting off Yemen, but also in what Sanaa represents today, of a great power capable of overturning the military equations in the region and influencing regional balances, which means that the Western colonial presence that dominates and invests the wealth of the neighborhood will not be safe.

In conclusion:

The American steps and attempts to obstruct the path of peace in Yemen are nothing but confirmation of what is certain, which is that the aggression against Yemen is an American aggression par excellence, and it served the agenda of America and Britain. Also, it should that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are only tools in this aggression that was announced from Washington.

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