Saudi Regime Executes Two Bahraini Youth, Drawing Widespread Condemnation

The political arm of Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s execution of two Bahraini youths on Tuesday. In a statement, the group denounced the “heinous crime” and said the killings demonstrate the Bahraini regime’s subservience to Saudi Arabia at the expense of Bahrain’s people.

Saudi authorities announced on Monday that they had executed Jaafar Mohammed Sultan and Sadiq Majeed Thamer, two Bahraini youth in their custody, on charges of “coordinating with terrorist cells.” The executions sparked immediate backlash from human rights groups, who said the vague charges were a pretext to crack down on political dissent.

In its statement, Ansar Allah’s political bureau blamed Saudi Arabia for the executions and accused Bahrain’s government of complicity through its “silence and partnership in this crime.” The group warned that Saudi human rights violations against activists and political opponents would ultimately prove its undoing.

“These crimes committed by the Saudi regime against the sons of the Yemeni people, the Bahraini people, the sons of the eastern regions and other free men inside and outside the country will sweep the Saudi regime into the abyss,” the statement read.

The political bureau expressed condolences to the victims’ families and the Bahraini people, describing the executions as “fuel for the revolution” against oppression. Saudi Arabia frequently faces international criticism over its human rights record, including mass trials, arbitrary executions, and crackdowns on dissent. But close allies like Bahrain’s Sunni monarchy often fail to condemn Saudi abuses.

The executions of the two Bahrainis highlight Saudi Arabia’s domineering role over Bahrain, Ansar Allah concluded, and the Bahraini regime’s disregard for its own citizens.

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