Yemen Airways’ Sana’a Airport Suspension: A Potential Flashpoint for Escalation and Confrontation [Report]

In a disheartening turn of events, the aggressive American-Saudi coalition has once again resorted to evasion and procrastination tactics, dashing the hopes of peace that had been kindled during the negotiations held in Riyadh prior to the Prophet’s birthday celebrations.

The coalition, which had previously shown signs of moving towards peace and acknowledging the legitimate humanitarian entitlements of the Yemeni people, now appears to be far from reaching a comprehensive solution. Instead of taking positive steps to build confidence, the Saudi-led aggression has shown indications of deepening the crisis over the past two days.

One of the most alarming developments is the tightening of the siege on Sana’a International Airport, effectively closing the only window open to Yemenis through this airport. The Yemeni airlines have been directed to stop operating flights to and from the airport. As a result, ‘Yemenia’ Airways announced the suspension of its flights via Sana’a airport starting from yesterday.

The Ministry of Transport in Sana’a’s caretaker government has condemned this measure, stating that it is an “indicator of the lack of seriousness of the aggression countries in moving seriously towards peace and disregard for all efforts made in this regard”. A responsible source in the ministry confirmed that this reflects the size of the criminal insistence on continuing the siege and doubling the suffering of the Yemeni people, especially patients and travelers.

The source pointed out that what was published about the management of Yemeni airlines in occupied Aden is an indicator of the lack of seriousness of aggression countries in moving seriously towards peace. It also shows that ‘Yemenia’ Airways has become a cheap tool in the hands of aggression countries to continue the siege and double the suffering of the Yemeni people by closing Sana’a airport.

The source explained that during this period, approximately 36 million dollars were disbursed from company balances in Sana’a to face operating expenses. The source pointed out that 10 million dollars were disbursed from company balances in Sana’a for purchasing a new plane (A320).

Moreover, the source strongly denounced the exploitation of ‘Yemenia’ company as a pretext to halt flights and manipulate operations at Sana’a airport. Such actions were deemed highly detrimental to the Yemeni people, as they directly contravene the decision that established the company as the national carrier for all individuals. Moreover, this manipulation runs counter to the company’s own declarations regarding its commitment to neutrality, humanitarian endeavors, and commercial operations.

The Ministry of Transport is committed to implementing an agreement with the management of the company in Aden. This agreement ensures that disbursements from the company’s account are made in a manner that preserves the company’s funds and guarantees the safety of disbursement procedures. According to this agreement, 60% of the funds are disbursed from Sana’a and 40% from Aden. This arrangement is in place to ensure the continuation of operations from Sana’a airport to Jordan, and to open up new destinations such as Egypt and India. These measures are taken to serve the needs of the Yemeni people and alleviate their suffering.


The source asserted that the procedure of halting flights is a manipulative tactic that exploits the suffering of the Yemeni people. It’s a poor politicization strategy for a company that is supposed to maintain neutrality as a national carrier. This action places the company in a position of complicity in this crime. The source held the management in Aden and the aggression countries accountable for all repercussions resulting from these practices.

Aggression Coalition’s Arbitrary Measures

In an alarming development, Yemen’s House of Representatives condemned in its session yesterday, the arbitrary decision by mercenaries of aggression to cancel Yemeni flights from Sana’a airport to Jordan. This move was made under false pretexts reflecting a continuation of obstinacy, rigidity, and disregard for the suffering endured by Yemeni people.

These actions are seen as an extension of policies aimed at tampering with Yemen’s resources, looting its wealth, and persistently depriving its citizens from benefiting from these resources. This includes paying employees’ salaries and improving services across all governorates in Yemen.

The chamber confirmed that this reckless behavior by mercenaries is part of a broader strategy aimed at squandering Yemen’s wealth. This strategy benefits mercenaries residing in luxury hotels across Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and other global locations. It also serves as a cover-up for scandals such as selling off Aden’s telecommunications sector to an Emirati investor.

At a time when negotiations were underway to expand flight operations after allowing flights to Cairo and India, these arbitrary measures have been implemented. They serve as a smokescreen for maintaining a siege on Sana’a airport while evading peace obligations. These actions have been denounced as they can only be carried out with support from countries within the aggression coalition. The aim is clear – circumvent obligations towards peace processes while tightening restrictions on Yemeni citizens thereby exacerbating their suffering.

The council emphasized the importance of taking measures capable of preventing further exploitation of Yemen’s wealth by the aggression coalition countries. It also confirmed its mandate to the revolutionary and political leadership to take appropriate measures to preserve the rights of the Yemeni people and their capabilities, both now and in the future.

For over seven years now, countries involved in the American-Saudi aggression have maintained their blockade on Sana’a International Airport, causing immense suffering for the people of Yemen. Despite efforts made by Omani mediation over a year ago to reopen the airport and expand flight destinations, these initiatives have been met with an unjustified refusal from America.

Sana’a has received several requests from Arab and international companies to resume flights to and from the airport. However, these requests have been met with resistance from the countries involved in the aggression. This clearly indicates a lack of seriousness on the part of the Saudi regime, which is leading the aggressive coalition against Yemen, in moving towards peace. It also demonstrates their determination to prolong their involvement in Yemen.

All these actions indicate a lack of genuine desire on the part of the Saudi regime to extricate itself from its predicament in Yemen. This may push towards reigniting confrontation again, especially as Sana’a has confirmed more than once that it will not remain idle against the continuation of the siege. It may resort to military options if the countries involved in the aggression continue their obstinacy and procrastination.

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