Transport Ministry issues explanatory statement regarding Yemen Airways Company

The Ministry of Transport issued a clarification statement regarding the Yemen Airways Company, which reads as follows:

Based on the responsibilities assigned to the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Yemen in supervising and controlling all the work of the Yemen Airways Company, and preserving the capabilities related to the needs of the Yemeni people and their right to travel abroad without any obstacles, in view of the discriminatory and illegal measures taken by the company’s management in Aden at the direction of The Saudi aggression coalition , the Yemeni Airlines Company, the arbitrary and destructive measures it is subjected to, the most prominent of which are:

1. The company has become a tool used by the aggression coalition led by Saudi Arabia and its mercenaries, for political blackmail and a card for the siege and pressure on the Yemeni people by intensifying the bombing of airports and continuing the siege on them by canceling travel from them to multiple destinations since before the aggression against our country, which causes the death of thousands of patients in need to travel for treatment abroad.

2. Despite the passage of two years since the agreement stipulated the opening of destinations to and from Sana’a International Airport, the aggression used the company as a tool to obstruct the operation of flights to airports in Cairo, India, and others, as well as insisting on not operating sufficient flights from Sana’a Airport to Amman Airport in Jordan to serve the great need of patients. And citizens for travel, as the limited flights to the only destination, Jordan, meet only 3 percent of the need, while Sana’a International Airport represents the main window for the Yemeni people, with 80 percent of the total passenger traffic in the Republic of Yemen.

3. The company’s management in Aden deliberately exploits the suffering of the Yemeni people and places significant and discriminatory differences in ticket prices at the Republic’s airports, which is inconsistent with the Civil Aviation Law and relevant regulations and laws.

4. Operating and scheduling the company’s flights to destinations without economic benefit according to agendas that serve the leaders of the aggression countries and do not serve the Yemeni people.

5. The systematic destruction of the company through a series of measures taken by the Saudi-American aggression coalition through its tools and mercenaries, the last of which was the authorization to transfer all of the company’s assets to Aden, as well as harming the market of travel agencies and offices in the Republic of Yemen, by stopping sales through them, which is considered a destruction of the company’s capabilities and the transportation market. Air force in Yemen.

6. Systematic seizure and plunder of the company’s funds by opening company accounts with private exchange companies inside and outside the country without any control over them, as well as disrupting the company’s official bank accounts.

7. Looting the company’s funds through suspicious purchase deals for used aircraft at high prices without issuing tenders in accordance with legal procedures, as well as performing aircraft maintenance in external centers for astronomical sums, deliberately neglecting , destroying the maintenance center in Sana’a and the company’s infrastructure facilities.

8. The company’s management in Aden proceeded to close flight reservation systems, withdraw powers, and tighten restrictions on travel offices and agencies in areas not under the control of the aggression, leading to the closure of all sales systems in implementation of the agenda of the aggression coalition, in violation of the company law and similar airline companies.

In light of the continuing arbitrary and illegal measures by the aggression coalition and its mercenaries in Aden, the Ministry of Transport confirms that the company’s management in Sana’a has committed throughout the past periods to pay and transfer all operating expenses, salaries and incentives from the capital, Sana’a, to all employees and areas of the company without discrimination to this day.

The Ministry of Transport also confirms the continuation of its efforts within the framework of the necessary corrective measures to rearrange the conditions of Yemen Airways Company, the national carrier of the Republic of Yemen, in accordance with what was stipulated in the protocol establishing the company.

The Ministry stresses the need for the company to carry out its work impartially from the capital, Sana’a, as it was working in the past to serve all citizens, with complete impartiality. It will also reschedule flights from Sana’a, Aden, Mukalla and Sayun airports according to need, as the aircraft will be maintained in the company’s central workshop at Sana’a Airport through its qualified engineers who have maintained the aircraft. With all efficiency , ability , at lower costs , without spending imaginary amounts and expenses abroad.

The company will also work to rationalize expenses and expenditures that are of no benefit to the company, most of which are for leaders who carry out their work from multiple countries.

It warns against continuing to go too far and tampering with this leading company that provides its services to all citizens with their various orientations in all provinces, we affirm that the Ministry will not stand idly by and will work to protect the company and its capabilities by all possible means.

The Ministry also condemns what the Saudi regime did the day before yesterday by detaining the plane carrying a flight from Jeddah to Sana’a for five hours and preventing it from moving, then changing its flight path to Aden, even though all the passengers on the flights were heading to Sana’a, and we hold the Saudi regime fully responsible for the safety of the pilgrims and their return to Sana’a.

The Saudi system must quickly transport pilgrims via any airline and deduct the costs from its insurance amount in accordance with the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority system.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Transport holds the other party fully responsible for all the consequences it has suffered as a result of these illegal measures, as well as the losses and damages suffered by Yemen Airways, the national carrier of Yemen.

Issued by the Ministry of Transport

Sana’a – Republic of Yemen

June 27, 2024 AD

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