Millions in Sana’a Rally to Support Leader’s Stance Against Saudi-American Escalation and Back Gaza

The capital city of Sana’a witnessed an unprecedented gathering today as millions rallied in the “Steadfast with Gaza… We Will Confront America and Its Allies” march. The demonstrators voiced their solidarity with Gaza, expressing their support for the Yemeni leadership’s decisions in response to the ongoing Saudi-American escalation against Yemen.

The enormous crowds, even attended from different Yemeni governorates, declared their high readiness and mobilization to engage in the “Promised Victory and Sacred Jihad.” They committed to follow the directives of the revolutionary leader, Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, to counter the aggression and its plots.

The protesters reaffirmed that American threats would not deter the Yemeni people, their leadership, or their army from their steadfast and principled stance in supporting the Palestinian people and continuing military operations until the aggression is halted and the siege on Gaza and Palestine is lifted.

The massive crowds warned the Saudi regime against persisting in its economic and hostile war on the Yemeni people in service of American and Zionist interests. They emphasized that Yemeni patience would run out, leading to severe consequences for the kingdom and its vital and economic interests.

Chanting slogans, the demonstrators reiterated Yemen’s unwavering support for Gaza, stating, “Our stance is our leader’s stance, we will not accept the steps of the invader and occupier. Our position is firm and genuine against traitors’ and agents’ will. We came for Palestine.”

The rally praised the legendary resilience of the Palestinian people and their brave resistance against the fiercest aggression. It also acknowledged the supportive popular movements in Morocco and Bahrain, despite the pressures they face.

A statement from the rally highlighted the continued brutal and criminal Israeli aggression resulting in daily genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza for the past 10 months. The Israeli criminal aggressor has carried out 3,425 massacres, and more than 152,300 Palestinians, mostly children and women, killed, injured, or kidnapped. Additionally, the statement stressed that this situation poses a grave test to people’s conscience and humanitarian values worldwide.

Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs and member of the Supreme National Committee for Supporting Al-Aqsa, Major General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, delivered the statement, condemning Israel’s ongoing siege and starvation of the Palestinian people, along with the killing and targeting of the displaced, with American and some European support, and the collaboration of treacherous Arab regimes.

The statement declared, “From our faith in Allah and our belonging to Islam, and sensing our religious, moral, and humanitarian responsibility, we have come out exceptionally and decisively in obedience to Allah and jihad for His sake, supporting and standing by the Palestinian people in the ‘Steadfast with Gaza… We Will Confront America and Its Allies’ march. We are steadfast in our position despite all agents, undeterred by pressures or conspiracies, entrusting our leader, relying on Allah, and confident in His victory and promise.”

The statement saluted the epic steadfastness of the struggling and patient Palestinian people, whose endurance has amazed the world despite their great tragedy and suffering. It also commended the heroic fighters in Gaza and the West Bank, who are demonstrating unparalleled acts of bravery in inflicting damage on the Israeli enemy.

It extended greetings to the Palestinian people in Gaza for their firm and conscious stance, which has thwarted all Israeli attempts and conspiracies. The Yemeni people reassured the Palestinian people and fighters that they are not alone, and Yemen will continue its moral and unwavering support, military operations, activities, mobilization, donations, and boycotts.

The statement praised the ongoing student movements and protests in the US, UK, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Latin America, and other countries with a still-living human conscience.

It also saluted the Moroccan people for their loyalty, integrity, humanity, and values, demonstrated through large-scale protests and activities supporting the Palestinian people, opposing their traitorous regime’s alignment with Israel.

The statement commended the protests, sit-ins, and boycott campaigns in Bahrain, lauding the Bahraini people for their support of Palestine and opposition to Israel, distancing themselves from their treacherous regime’s stance.

Addressing the Arab and Muslim peoples, the statement emphasized, “If the events and the plight of the Palestinian people have driven some in Europe and America to take a sincere and serious stance and raise their voices in support of the Palestinian people against Zionist crimes, then you are more responsible to act upon your religious and moral duties, which you will be accountable for on Judgment Day.” It urged for comprehensive economic boycotts of the enemies, feasible by all peoples.

The statement noted the ongoing active and influential front of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Islamic resistance in Iraq, and other support fronts, praising the continued joint operations of the Yemeni armed forces with the Iraqi Islamic resistance.

It expressed gratitude to Allah for the victories achieved by the valiant Mujahideen of the Yemeni armed forces, whose operations have driven away Americans and forced British acknowledgment of their formidable prowess, described as unprecedented in the history of warfare.

The statement warned the Saudi regime, “If you think that executing American directives to serve the Zionists will deter us from our support for the Palestinian people, you are deluded. This is a great honor bestowed upon us by Allah, and we will not abandon it. You will be the ultimate loser and failure, more so than your American master.”

Addressing the leader Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the statement declared, “We will meet your expectations as you have known us, as our ancestors were, and we will not retreat from our support for Gaza. We will not abandon the Palestinian people, ignore their cries and suffering, or be distracted by desires and temptations. We will take a righteous, honorable, and faithful stance in their support, heed Allah’s call, and fight in His path, moving according to His guidance, reaffirming the Yemeni people’s delegation to the revolutionary leader to confront the American plan implemented by the Saudis in support of the Zionists.”

The massive crowds reiterated their full and absolute support for all measures and steps taken by Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi in the path of radical change announced in previous speeches.

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