تصفح الوسم


Al-Samad drawings exhibition inaugurated in Taiz

The Deputy governor of Taiz for Education Affairs, Professor Ismail Abdul-Malik, and a number of social figures, opened on Sunday, in the isolation of Al-Hashma, the exhibition of the martyr Saleh Al-Samad at the School of Imam Ali bin Abi…

Virus Deaths Soar in Italy, US Deploys National Guard

Italians braced for a second day of national lockdown Wednesday after a sharp spike in coronavirus-related deaths, as New York deployed the National Guard to contain a disease that has sown worldwide panic. Europe’s hardest-hit country…

Yemeni Air Defenses Shoot Down Spy Drone in Hodeidah

Yemeni Air Defenses of the Army and Popular Committees intercepted and targeted, Monday, a  hostile spy drone run by the US-Saudi aggression in al-Hodeidah governorate, in retaliation for the coalition’s military aggression against Yemen.…

US Vows to Withdraw from Afghanistan ahead of Taliban Deal

Washington and Kabul said in a joint statement on Saturday that the United States and its allies will withdraw all their forces from Afghanistan within 14 months if the Taliban abide by an agreement due to be signed in Doha on Saturday.…

US, Taliban to Swap Prisoners ahead of Intra-Afghan Talks

The US and the Taliban agreed to swap thousands of prisoners in a “confidence building measure” as part of a landmark deal on Afghanistan’s future signed in Doha on Saturday. “Up to 5,000 prisoners of the (Taliban)… and 1,000 prisoners…

US Lawmakers Reject Ban on Assault Weapon

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s push to ban the sale of assault weapons failed on Monday after some of his fellow Democrats balked at the proposal. Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to…

Prestige of Western weapons falls apart in Yemen

Saudi-led coalition’s “Tornado” plane collapsed over Jawf province after it was hit on Friday by a missile from the Yemeni air defenses system, announcing the fall of the Western weapon prestige in Yemen, which represented the spearhead of…