Iran’s President: Coronavirus Deaths, Hospital Admissions on Decline in Iran

The number of deaths and hospital admissions due to the coronavirus infection across Iran has decreased, President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday.

In an address to a session of the Coronavirus Battle National Headquarters, Rouhani said the hospital admissions in different provinces because of COVID-19 infection has decreased, and there has also been a downward trend in the death toll.

Both of these facts are good news suggesting that Iran’s measures in the battle with the coronavirus epidemic have been significant, the president added.

Hailing the health society and medical staff for their devotion to duty in the efforts to contain the coronavirus spread, Rouhani said arrangements should be made to give the health system the necessary time for the treatment of patients.

“Inactivity (in the health society) should not reach a peak at one period, because intensive care unit beds and medical personnel must be able to take care of the patients,” Rouhani added.

Highlighting the necessity to cut off the chain of the contagious disease, the president said no positive case should have freedom of movement in the society. “It is highly significant that a person infected with the coronavirus be kept in quarantine for 14 days at home, in hospital or in ICU.”

Iran’s Health Ministry said on Monday that the number of coronavirus patients in the country has exceeded 23,000, of whom at least 8,370 have recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

The coronavirus death toll in Iran has surpassed 1,800.

More than 382,000 people have been infected with COVID-19 globally, and the death toll has exceeded 16,500.

Source: Tasnim News Agency

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