Report : Thedangers of Adolescent Countries … the UAE as a Model‏

The United Arab Emirates gives itself a place greater than its size. Like the colonial powers, the UAE intervenes in more than one Arab country in a desperate attempt to overcome a feeling of inferiority that this tiny state lives in. Neither history nor civilization does the UAE have, existing in societies or countries that had records of civilizations and glorious history in the Arab region.

This devilish micro state exploits the huge oil revenues to implement agendas exceeding its size. It intervenes militarily in Libya and economically in Algeria that the latter drove it out. It conspires against Syria and tries to find a foothold in the Republic of Yemeni, expressing its greediness in Yemen’s ports, especially in Yemen’s Socotra archipelago.

This foundling tiny state practiced and going on disgraceful actions in many Arab and Islamic countries, losing all the foundations and morals of Arab and Islamic values; this comes as a natural result of a weak and adolescent political leadership as it puts its capabilities and wealth under the supervision of the intelligence services of the United States, Israeli and other Western countries to implement their agendas in tearing the Arab countries apart.

The UAE has widely opened the door of foreign workers without taking employment measure controls or taking into account the privacy of the Emirati citizen, including his Arab and Islamic affiliation so that the foreign presence on its lands and the other Gulf countries as well have become just a matter of time in the future, and the existence itself which would portend a real disaster and it could be achieved.

Such results come due to the presence of leaders of instinctive beings directed at the administration of the state. Neither the UAE has visions, wisdom, or political intelligence nor does it have future expectations for what these naughty policies will lead to. Indeed, it will inevitably have dire consequences.

Today, those instinctive creatures reap what they sow due to their ugly policies. There is an important question: Do small Gulf societies need these millions of foreign workers? A question must be answered by those who called themselves leaders of these countries in order not to reach the tragedy in which they have inflicted themselves and their countries.

Many political analysts dealt with the issue of the dangers of the intense foreign presence in the Gulf countries and they addressed in-depth studies of this phenomenon. The presence of the foreign workers in the Gulf states has become a fait accompli after the Arab-Gulf presence has been replaced by foreign laborers for three decades.

Some studies indicate the next decade will be the last of the Gulf states and their rulers who are currently the last Arab rulers in the region then migrants, who are more than 16 million especially in the UAE and Qatar, would demand their citizenship and democracies as a result of their majority after which the status of the Arabs Gulf civilians will be similar to the indigenous communities in Australia, Canada, and other countries.

A bleak future awaits these countries soon if the issue of migrants does not solve or deal with it quickly, wisely, and reasonably.

Source: Saba

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