On International Human Rights Day: a war of genocide with increasing violations in Yemen

The world celebrates on the 10th of December of each year the International Human Rights Day, at a time when Yemen has been witnessing, for the past eight years of war, the most heinous criminal aggression in history, in full view of the hypocritical world and its inhumane organizations that revealed their true identity and their flagrant bias with war criminals and murderers.

Extermination crimes

Within 2,800 days, the Zionist, American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression committed tens of thousands of brutal crimes and massacres. They also perpetrated violations of human rights, which represent violations of all international and humanitarian norms, covenants, values, and principles, including the penalties for crimes stipulated in the Rome Statute of the Criminal Court as crimes against humanity and genocide. Therefore, the Zionist-American-Saudi-Emirati aggression deserves to be classified in the UN list of shame, for they have resulted in the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world, according to UN reports, and leaving behind tens of thousands of victims, including women and children.

Suspicious international neglect

A barbaric aggression, which took its brutality too far, and it persists in committing more horrific crimes, as its hatred towards Yemen, its land and people, is above what someone can imagine. All the world has heard of the Saudi-led aggression explicit and clear violation of international humanitarian law, but they were faced with suspicious international disregard. Thus, this makes the concept of human rights more like a farcical comedy of barbaric aggression, the United Nations was unable to protect or preserve the rights it prides itself on defending.

Increasing violations

The International Human Rights Day comes, eight years after this criminal aggression, and millions of Yemenis are still living in a war of genocide and increasing violations, in addition to air, land and sea blockade that imposes strict and unlogical measures to obstruct and prevent the entry of ships loaded with foodstuffs, medicines, medical supplies, oil derivatives, and other goods.

Yemenis are deprived of their right to live safely. They have been displaced from their homes, water sources and agricultural lands have been contaminated due to the Saudi aggression usage of internationally prohibited weapons. In addition, famine and malnutrition are spreading, and diseases and epidemics are passed to one another in an unprecedented way. In addition, civilians prohibited to travel, and all of this falls under the framework of violating the human right law and stop them from getting a decent life.

Terrifying outcome

According to a report issued by the Eye of Humanity Center, an independent civil society organization, after 2,800 days of aggression against Yemen, the aggression coalition launched more than 300,000 air strikes and dropped thousands of cluster bombs. It also carried out hundreds of thousands of sea and land bombardment operations that caused the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

The aggression bombed civilians in residential neighborhoods, markets, roads, mosques, villages and cities, and almost completely destroyed the infrastructure in Yemen.

In terms of civilian casualties, the Eye of Humanity Center statistics about the death and wounded toll amounted to 47,673 citizens, which include 18,013 killed and 29,660 wounded. In specific, 4,061 children were killed while 4,739 others were wounded. About 2,454 women were killed 2,966 wounded. In addition, 11,498 men were killed and 21,955 wounded.

Concerning infrastructure and service facilities, the report confirms that the air, land, and sea aggression operations targeted nearly half a million facilities. Civilian homes constituted the largest number of the toll, amounting to 598,737 homes. The aggression also targeted 182 university facilities, 1679 mosques, 379 tourist facilities, and 415 hospitals and health facilities within 2800 days.

The center confirmed the destruction of 1,242 schools and educational centers, 140 sports facilities, 255 archaeological sites, 61 media facilities, and 10,803 agricultural fields.

According to the center, the aggression destroyed 15 airports, 16 seaports, 344 power stations, 7099 roads and bridges, 616 telecommunication stations, 2974 reservoirs and water networks, and 2101 government facilities, all of which were destroyed by the aggression within 2800 days.

The report indicated that the aggression destroyed 407 factories, 385 fuel tankers, 12,030 commercial establishments, 454 chicken and livestock farms, 10,112 means of transportation, 998 food trucks, 700 markets, 485 fishing boats, 1,014 food stores, and 425 fuel stations.

Darker facts

Despite the enormity and horror of the numbers reported by the Eye of Humanity Center and mentioned above, they are insufficient. The facts are more somber. There are places where that are exposed to intensive and continuous bombing, which made the organizations to be unable to reach. The statistics on reality are more than what has been documented, and the statistics of the center included only losses by the direct bombing of the aggression only. However, there are hundreds of thousands of Yemenis who died as a result of the economic blockade, the closure of Yemeni airports and seaports, the lack of medicines, the spread of epidemics, malnutrition, and kidney failure diseases. According to official statistics and UN reports, there are more than 14 million Yemenis in urgent need of humanitarian aid and 7.5 million are in need of food, including 4.5 million that currently suffer from severe famine.

Crush humanity

The suspicious silence and clear bias of international organizations over what the Zionist, American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression committing in Yemen, therefore, denies what these organizations are promoting in terms of defending the most basic human rights. Nevertheless, it has been crystal clear how America, Britain, and petrodollar countries are working to undermine human rights and crush humanity completely and relentlessly.

Observers believe that international human rights organizations do not give Yemen the attention it deserves in view of the size and type of violations that have been taking place for eight years, stressing that the so-called human rights organizations and their slogans are nothing more than a media phenomenon for media consumption, and the biggest proof of this is the number of killed and wounded who died in the bombing of planes and missiles. They say, “many countries of the world celebrate International Human Rights Day while they are violating the rights of their people and other peoples with brutal crimes that amount to war crimes.”

The observers stressed that the violations committed by the Zionist-American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition are war crimes that cannot be tolerated, according to international humanitarian law, and that whether the war continues or peace and stability resolve, this file will remain open in the face of everyone who committed a war crime against the Yemeni people, whether directly or indirect, and there are documented reports that can be submitted to the relevant international courts when the time is right.

The greatest human tragedy

Officials of the United Nations organizations say in previous statements that the Yemeni tragedy as a result of the aggression and blockade has not yet revealed all the needed data and evidence, and when the war ends, we will witness the true picture of the largest human tragedy in the world and human history. Many years will be needed for Yemen to recover from what happened. This because of the direct and indirect result of the tons of weapons dropped over eight years, the blockade, and the spread of epidemics.


And in light of the deafening, shameful and humiliating silence of the United Nations and its inhumane organizations that have abandoned their duties in preserving the human dignity and protecting generations from the consequences of disasters and wars. In addition, them being deaf and blind to the crimes of genocide against children, women, and civilians and trading the Yemenis suffering, blood, and pain for millions of dollars, confirms the dependence of the United Nations on the Zionists and the US, which this exposes the lie of claiming human rights. The rights will be taken by the heroes of the army and the committees, with Allah’s help, and Yemeni human rights will return to its people.

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