New Clashes broke out between Palestinians and the Zionist enemy forces in West Bank

Clashes broke out between Palestinians and the Zionist enemy forces, while enemy forces launched a campaign of arrests against Palestinians in al-Quds and Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

The Al-Quds Media Center reported that violent clashes broke out last night between Palestinians and Israeli enemy forces who stormed the neighborhood of Martyr Mohammed Obeid in the town of al-Issawiya in occupied al-Quds.

The center added that enemy forces arrested six citizens, including a child, after he was severely beaten in front of the Al-Arbaeen mosque in al-Issawiya.

Zionist soldiers fired live bullets, gas canisters and heavy sound bombs at the civilians, while youths responded with firecrackers, stones and Molotov cocktails, according to local sources.

The town of al-Issawiya is under daily incursions by enemy forces with the aim of harassing the citizens and carrying out arrest campaigns targeting young men and children.

A report by the Hamas media department monitored an escalation in the Israeli occupation forces’ incursions into al-Quds neighborhoods in May, in which 53 incursions, 24 house raids and 107 arrests were recorded.

In Jenin, director of the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) reported that two young men were arrested by enemy forces after searching their homes in Deir Abu Zaeef, east of Jenin.

In the town of Qabatiya, a young man was arrested by enemy soldiers after breaking into his house and searching it, after which clashes broke out.

Source: Agencies.

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