UAE begins to build Israeli military airport in Socotra

The Israeli navy’s military presence in cooperation with the UAE occupation forces in the Yemeni archipelago of Socotra has expanded since the second half of 2020.

Informed sources confirmed on Monday, that an Emirati ship, arrived at the port of Socotra, carrying Israeli military devices and equipment, which was dropped amid tight security.

The sources suggested that the UAE move on the island, gave way to the Zionist military presence to establish a military airport under the supervision of technical experts from the Israeli navy.

It is worth mentioning that the French site “J Forum”, confirmed during the past days, the arrival of a joint delegation of Israeli and Emirati intelligence officers to Socotra, and their examination of various sites to establish military bases, after the installation of a military communications network last August.

All these UAE-Israeli moves have not been challenged by the Hadi government.

Source: Agencies

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