Al-Ruwaishan: There is no Saudi response so far to resolve the humanitarian file


Posted on June 1, 2023

Ansarollah website

Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan affirmed that Saudi Arabia has not yet responded to resolve the humanitarian issue after Ramadan negotiations, pointing out that Sana’a considers that as buying time.

Lieutenant General Al-Ruwaishan explained in a statement to Al-Masirah TV that the ongoing negotiations with the Saudi side, mediated by Oman, in their current situation, remain attempts to achieve peace, which Sanaa met positively.

He expressed his hope that Saudi Arabia would realize that it is not possible to combine economic development plans with the invasion of a neighboring country.

He added that the Yemeni armed forces, from the first moment of the armistice, began to restore their capabilities, and with its end, we returned to the state of war, pointing out that Sanaa has the ability to militarily control Saudi ports and the flow of capital to them, and the Yemeni armed forces have previously carried out operations in this direction.

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