Free People of the World Admire Yemeni Rally Amid Heavy Rain in Support of Gaza

In a scene that inspires the heart, awakens the conscience, and stirs pride, Yemenis—descendants of the Ansar—gathered in a massive rally at Al-Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana’a, last Friday to show their support for their Palestinian brothers and sisters. The million-strong turnout at Al-Sabeen Square was extraordinary. Despite the heavy rains and flooding that swept through the streets, the Yemenis persisted, flocking to the square and affirming their unwavering commitment to supporting Gaza, regardless of the circumstances. This powerful display of solidarity touched freedom-loving people around the world, evoking feelings of inspiration and admiration.

Participants in the rally delivered strong and clear messages of support, matching the unyielding spirit that kept them steadfast in the square until the event concluded. Men, elders, and children alike stood firm, chanting slogans of solidarity with Gaza, this extraordinary show of unity and determination has left a lasting impression on observers around the globe, who have been quick to praise the Yemeni people for their unmatched resilience and dedication to the Palestinian cause. The powerful images shared on social media have led many to laud the Yemeni people, with some even declaring, “The Yemeni people are unparalleled in the world.”

Cultural activist Mohammed Ashish expressed the sentiment of many, saying, “When the rain fell, we knew that Allah was with us, and through this rain, He granted us four blessings: He purified us, removed the evil of Satan from us, steadied our feet, and granted us victory over our enemies.” Ashish emphasized that the rain only strengthened their resolve and optimism, affirming that the Yemenis are on the path of Allah (SWT).

One of the participants emphasized that their rallying in the squares to support Gaza, despite the heavy rains, boosts morale, “Our participation today renews our steadfast commitment to our brothers in Gaza,” he said, underscoring the enduring bond between Yemen and Palestine.

He continued, “Let the men, children, and women of Gaza know that we are present with them, whether under the sun’s rays, in the heat, under the rain showers, or in the cold; we will be with them and will not abandon them.”

Another citizen, speaking to “Al-Masirah” as the rain continued to pour, declared, “We are ready to sacrifice our lives in the rain, at sea, in the air—wherever our leader directs us. We are prepared and willing to give everything for Gaza.”

The powerful scenes of Yemenis marching in the rain have resonated widely, with global observers taking notice. Bahraini activist Yahya Al-Haddad, President of the Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, remarked, “A human flood in the capital, Sana’a, amid heavy rains; the Yemeni people did not hesitate to respond to the call for Gaza, and millions took to the streets, showing the world that they have not and will not abandon Palestine, no matter the cost.”

From Gaza, the Director of Government Media, Ismail Al-Thawabta, said, “From here in Gaza, the vanquisher of tyrants, we send a great fiery greeting to this weekly human flood of our noble brothers, the great Yemeni people, who have not grown tired of rallying to support the Gaza Strip and condemning the genocide and ethnic cleansing that our great Palestinian people in Gaza are facing.”

Palestinian political researcher Saleh Abu Azza also shared his admiration, tweeting, “People may have excuses in the face of rain and floods, but the Yemeni people refuse to take the easy way out at the expense of their unbreakable determination. For them, duty stands above all means, indeed above all possibilities.”

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